- In practice, Americans want to know whether Japan would shoot down missiles overflying Japan: current constitutional interpretations seem to forbid it. 实际上,美国人希望了解日本是否会击落飞越其领空的导弹:目前的宪法解释似乎禁止日本这样做。
- What Is Called the Constitutional Interpretation? 何谓宪法解释?
- In practice, thanks to constitutional interpretations by earlier governments, Japan maintains one of the world's most powerful and modern military forces. 实际上,由于之前历届政府做出的宪法解释,日本维持着一支世界上最强大、具现代化的军事力量。
- Not all judicially created laws are based on statutory or constitutional interpretation. 并不是所有的司法创制法都以法令或宪法的解释为基础。
- In fact, the explaining of the constitutional interpretation is around that how to exercise the power of the constitutional interpretation. 事实上,整个宪法解释活动的进行,即是围绕着宪法解释权如何被行使而展开的。
- Britain is a constitutional monarchy. 英国是君主立宪制国家。
- With this small but important book, Justice Stephen Breyer emerges as a leading theorist of constitutional interpretation on the highest bench in the land. 汉译:但是,保守主义在最高法院将遭遇巨大的挑战,这一点却并不会因此有多大的改变。
- As it is a task of constitutional interpretation to render judgment on a governmental system, the syllogism of the legal method should be used to solve this problem. 其实,欲依据宪法条文对政府体制之定位进行判断,这是属于宪法解释学的范围,因此,在解释方法上,必须运用法学逻辑三段论,以推求其结论。
- But so far, there is no constitutional interpretation of the NPC Standing Committee and the provisions of the "public interest" to define the nature and scope. 但是迄今为止,有宪法解释权的全国人大常委会并没有对该条款所规定的“公共利益”的性质和范围作出界定。
- The sentence admits of several interpretations. 这个句子可以有几种解释。
- This passage may be given several interpretations. 这段文字可以有不同的解释。
- This sentence admits of several interpretations. 这个句子可以有多种解释。
- There is “Madisonian dilemma” in practice of American Constitutional interpretation ,that is, the freedom of the majority to govern and the freedom and rights of minority remain forever in tension. 在美国宪法解释实践中长期存在着被学者们所称的“麦迪逊之两难”问题,即民主多数统治的自由与少数自由权利之间始终处于一种似乎不可消解的张力之中。
- This passage is capable of various interpretations. 这段话可以有各种的解释。
- To be sure, the Pure Theory can review the objective validity of an act that subjectively purports to be a legal act by referring it to mechanisms of constitutional interpretation. 确实,纯粹法律理论能够通过将其提及宪政解释的机制作为法律行为的主观目的来检查某一法律的客观效力。
- His statement admits of two interpretations. 他的这番话可以有两种解释。
- She interpret his silence as arrogance. 她把他的沉默解释为傲慢。
- I didn't presume to interpret it. 我不敢对这一点妄加解释。
- They have made the constitutional reform. 他们已经做了宪法的修改。
- Will you please interpret for me? 请你为我翻译一下好吗?