- constant speed chopper blade 恒速调制盘叶片
- The signals go to and fro at a very high but almost constant speed. 那些信号用非常快但几乎不变的速度来回传送。
- We've kept a constant speed all the journey. 旅途中我们保持着平稳的速度。
- The ball is circling the central point at constant speed. 小球以恒速绕中心运动。
- If the glider is set in motion, it is observed to move at a constant speed. 假如让滑动物运动,就可以看到它的运动是恒速的。
- It enables the rotor with constant speed for maintaining steady output voltage. 它使转子能以恒定速度转动,保持输出电压稳定。
- This results on a typical logarithmic frequency scale in a constant speed. 这样的结果对一个典型的对数频率范围在不断加快。
- He drove at a constant speed. 他以稳定的速度开车。
- A rotating device in a tape recorder used to drive therecording medium at a constant speed. 磁带记录器中用来驱动记录介质作匀速运动的传动装置。
- If thrust and drag do not equal each other ,the airplane can not fly at a constant speed. 如果推力和阻力彼此不相等,飞机就不同能等速飞行。
- To travel at a constant speed,or at a speed providing maximum operating efficiency for a sustained period. 以经济速度行驶以稳定的速度行进,或在一段时间内以发动机效率最高的速度行驶
- A rotating device in a tape recorder used to drive the recording medium at a constant speed. 磁带记录器中用来驱动记录介质作匀速运动的传动装置。
- A body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion continues to move at a constant speed in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. 除非受外力作用,否则静止物体将保持静止,运动的物体将继续作匀速直线运动。
- To begin with simplest case, suppose that the body travels at constant speed along the line. 首先从最简单的情况开始。假设物体沿直线作匀速运动。
- When flying for long periods at a constant speed, it is very fatiguing for the pilot to maintain such a force. 如以恒速作长时间飞行,要保持这样的力会使驾驶员非常疲劳。
- At that point, the object continues to fall at a constant speed, called terminal velocity. 这时,物体继续以恒定速度下落,这个速度叫做极限速度。
- In absence of force, a body will either remain at rest or continue to move with constant speed in a straight line. 没有外力,物体不是保持静止,就是一直沿着直线匀速运动。
- EVA and PU membrane can be made of Dichlofenac penetrate through skinwith constant speed. EVA和PU膜能使双氯灭痛恒速透过皮肤,达到缓释和控释的目的。
- If thrust and drag do not equal each other , the airplane can not fly at a constant speed . 如果推力和阻力彼此不相等,飞机就不同能等速飞行。
- His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他的妻子经常鼓励他。