- Nothing is constant in the whole world. 在这个世界中没有什么是永恒的。
- The enthalpy is constant in the throttling process. 节流过程焓不变。
- The only constant in the world is change. 这个世界上唯一不变的只有改变。
- Why Learner Analysis is Important in Curriculum Design? 为什么学习者分析在课程设计中扮演重要角色?
- R. (1997), Service learning in curriculum reform, Schine, J. 美国中小学服务学习之研究。
- The distortion of form is a constant in his painting. 曲线型是他绘画的一贯特点。
- constant in curriculum 通习科目
- There are two variables and one constant in this equation. 这个等式中有两个变量和一个常量。
- Keep your career aims constantly in view. 要时刻牢记自己在事业上的奋斗目标。
- The year 2001 also marked an important milestone in curriculum development. 二零零一年是本港课程发展的重要里程碑。
- It rains constantly in southern China in June. 六月份中国南方阴雨绵绵。
- Is your legs constantly in pain? 你的腿老疼吗?
- Toward a renaissance in curriculum theory and development in the USA. 美国课程理论与发展复兴趋势。
- Embedding constants in code is obviously foolish. 在代码中嵌入常量显然是愚蠢的。
- She dieted constantly in order to pre-serve her youthful figure. 为了保持年轻的身材,她不断地节食。
- Enclosing a character constant in single quotation marks is recommended. 建议用单引号括住字符常量。
- Integrated Curriculum of Practical Activity (ICPA) is a breakthrough of Chinese basic education in curriculum reform. 综合实践活动是我国新一轮基础教育课程改革的结构性突破。
- Her constant complaining just sticks in my craw. 她那不断的诉苦真使我受不了。
- The loan interest rate of the house will remain constant in the next year. 下一年的房屋贷款利率将会保持不变。
- Remember.You are constantly in the act of creating yourself. 记住,每一刻你都在创造着你自己。