- constant current chop 恒流斩波
- Starting by constant current with pulse. 脉冲恒流起动。
- Starting by constant current with step. 阶跃恒流起动。
- Constant Current Source Application on Raw Mill E.P. 恒流源在生料磨电除尘器上的应用。
- There is a nasty disadvantage to any constant current source load. 所有的恒流源负载都有一个很讨厌的缺点。
- Constant current chopping 恒流斩波
- In the schematic above, I used the transistor constant current source example. 在下列电路图中,我使用了一个晶体管恒流源负载的例子。
- Driving LEDs with constant current ensures safe operation with maximum possible light output. 使用恒流驱动LED,确保在最大可能照明输出时安全运行。
- This CMOS device includes an input shift register, accompanying data latches, and 16 MOS constant current sink drivers. CMOS器件包含一个输入移位寄存器、随附的数据锁存和16个MOS恒流灌电流驱动器。
- Constant current electrolysis was used to study the effect of tetrabutylammonium salt on the reduction of oxalic acid. 用恒电流电解法研究了四丁基氢氧化铵和不同的阴离子在草酸电解还原过程中的作用。
- Constant current output characteristics,deep melting penetration,even w-elding pool,and excellent weld. 具有恒流输出特征,熔透深,熔池均匀,焊缝成形良好。
- The constant current coulometry was established for determination of aromatic primary amine drugs. 用恒电流库仑法测定芳伯胺类药物含量。
- This method uses the input level that fiducial IC regards a voltage as source of a controlled constant current. 该办法操纵一块电压基准 IC 作为一个受控恒流源的输入级。
- The surface potential build-up with constant current corona charging for polypropyrene electrets was investigated. 本文讨论了聚丙烯驻极体恒流电晕充电期间电荷的建立。
- CK-MM isoform was separated by electrophoresis,under constant current and low voltage,fluorescence scanning. 结果:DMD患者在不同阶段的CK-MM亚型值均与对照组相比有显著性差异(P<0.;05);
- Ignite easy,stable welding arc ,high constant current,widely adjustable output current. 引弧容易,焊弧稳定,熔池深,电流高度恒定,电流调整范围宽
- This article makes some supplement to the character of constant voltage source and constant current source so... 对恒压源与恒流源的性质进行了补充,可使等效变换的运用大为扩展。
- His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他的妻子经常鼓励他。
- Applied dedicated thick diaphragm and high-power integrated circuit to have high precision on voltage stability and constant current output. 采用专用的厚膜大功率集成电路,具高精度的稳压及恒流输出特牲。
- Over-current protection. The constant current charging mode avoids the influence of current fluctuation to battery's performance and safety. 为消除波动而采用全时恒流的先进充电方式。