- What is the net asset value per-share? 每股净资产是多少?
- Consolidated goodwill means the diffdrence of purchase cost of amalgamated company that gets ahead of the net assets value of enterprise. 合并商誉是指合并企业的收购成本超过所取得的被合并企业净资产公允价值的差额。
- The stock’s valuation is undemanding at a 29% discount to its 2009E net asset value (NAV). 目前股价较09 年预测净资产值折让29%25,估值不贵。
- One Hong Kong brokerage estimated earlier this year that with Qianmen, Soho's net asset value would be boosted 50%. 该公司公布上半年亏损2,100万美元,而去年同期该公司盈利920万美元。
- Brokers annualize a yield on an investment by multiplying weekly dividends by 52 and dividing the answer by the net asset value per share. 交易商们用每周股利乘以五十二再除以每股的净资产值算出每年的投资收入
- In the case of a net asset value tender, the circular or advertisement must set out the basis on which the tender price will be calculated. 如果是就净资产值招标,通告或广告中必须写明招标价格计算的基础。
- It is a company that meets most of my requirements, although I have not studied the prospectus in detail, both profit potential and net asset value. 这公司符合我的大部份要求,尽管我还未详细研究其招股书,看看盈利潜力及资产净值的状况如何。
- Article 28 The securities investment trust enterprise shall calculate the net asset value of the securities investment trust fund each business day. 第28条证券投资信讬事业应于每一营业日计算证券投资信讬基金之净资产价值。
- Fund performance is calculated on the basis of NAV (net asset value)-to-NAV in Hong Kong Dollar, and is net of all charges. 基金表現是以港元的每單位資產淨值價計算,並已扣除所有收費。
- These funds have a dollar-based net asset value (NAV) and investors could opt to have the currency risk hedged by the fund, he said. 这些基金的资产净值是以美元来计算,这样投资者就能避免外汇风险。
- Suppose the XYZ Fund has a net asset value (NAV) of $10 at the beginning of 1995.During the year, distributions of $2 per unit are made to investors. 假定XYZ基金的单位资产净值在1995年初为10美圆,在该年中每单位向投资者分配2美圆。
- At present, illiquid investors trying to wriggle out of uncalled commitments have to sell their interest in investments already made at a punitive haircut to net asset value. 目前,缺乏流动资金的投资者如果要退出未缴承诺,就不得不以相对于资产净值的大幅折扣,出售自己在已经作出的投资中的权益。
- First Shanghai refers to the sale proceeds will be used as additional working capital, and bring with them higher than the net asset value of about 3,320 million profit. 第一上海指,出售所得款项将用做额外营运资金,并为公司带来高于资产净值约3,320万元的盈利。
- Mutual Funds 101: What a Mutual Fund Is teaches you that a mutual fund's NAV is its net asset value, or its price per share.At first blush, mutual fund NAVs seem just like stock prices. 一个基金是这样计算NAV的:当前投资组合中,所有股票,债券,和其他有价证券(包括现金)之和,减去费用,然后除基金的总份数。
- Open-end fund shareholders buy the shares at net asset value and can redeem them at any time at the prevailing market price, which may be higher or lower than the price at which the investor bought. 开放式基金投资者按基金净值购买基金单位,并可随时按照现行市场价进行赎回,市场价可能高于或低于投资者当时购买基金单位的价格。
- The proportion a money market fund invests in time deposits shall not exceed 30% of its net assets value. 三、货币市场基金投资于定期存款的比例,不得超过基金资产净值的30%25。
- the net asset value of the company 公司的资产净值
- rate of return from net asset value 净资产收益率
- In the case of a fixed price tender and a net asset value tender 在固定价格的招标和净资产值招标
- Appraisal and fixation of net asset value in a township enterprise 乡镇企业资产净值的核定