- Substances consist of small particles called molecules. 物质是由叫做分子的微粒组成的。
- The managerial function of control consists of the measurement, reporting and subsequent correction of performance. 管理控制包括计量、报告和随后的纠正,意在保证目标和计划得以实现。
- They set the limits of performance attainable. 它们确定着可达到的运行限度。
- In fact the clean and jerk consist of two steps. 挺举实际上包括两个步骤。
- An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance. 一盎司的形象胜过一磅重的表现。
- What does the terrigenous sediment consist of? 陆源沉积物是由什么组成的?
- It is consisted of institution subsystem, organization subsystem and operating rule subsystem of performance measurement, and it also relevantly formed a complete set of measurement index system. 它由企业绩效评价制度体系、组织体系和运行规则三个子体系构成,并相应形成了一整套评价指标体系。
- This lagoon "divider" consist of sand. 泻湖这个“分水岭”是由砂质物构成的。
- The standard of performance has gone down. 表演水平自去年以来下降了。
- Water is said to consist of oxygen and hydrogen. 据说水由氢气和氧合成。
- What level of performance do you expect from me? 你希望我有什么样的表现?
- Each group shall consist of not less than ten . 每个小组至少由十人组成。
- Is there widespread use of performance related pay? 是否普遍采用绩效薪酬制?
- How many players does a baseball team consist of? 棒球队由几名队员组成?
- The best ratio of performance and price. 最优的性能价格比。
- The dinner consists of seven courses. 晚饭有七道菜。
- The beehives consist of numerous cells. 蜂巢是由无数的小窝所组成的。
- Capable of performing sexually as a male; potent. 有性交能力的作为男性能进行性交的能力的; 有性交能力的
- Flames consist of incandescent gases. 火焰含有炽热的气体。
- The committee consists of ten members. 委员会由十人组成。