- Are initiatives in place within your company to reduce/ conserve resources? 你们公司是否有主动减少/备供应来源?
- We felt that it they should be taken out to conserve resources and time. 我们觉得为了节省资源和时间应该把它们去掉。
- Sixth, we need to carry out an extensive and long-term resource conservation campaign throughout the country to heighten public awareness of the need to conserve resources. 六要在全社会广泛持久地开展资源节约活动,使建设资源节约型社会深入人心,蔚成风气。
- Intensifying efforts to restructure industries, conserve resources and protect the environment. 加大产业结构调整、资源节约和环保力度。
- Promoting the use of aluminum containers in preference to others might actually conserve resources. 提倡优先使用铝容器,实际上可以节约资源。
- There is thus a premium on reproducing early rather than conserving resources for a future that may never come. 因而,早点养育后代比为了一个可能永远不会有的未来而养精蓄锐要好得多。
- There is thus a premium on repro-ducing early rather than conserving resources for a future that may never come. 因此应该鼓励提早生育,而不是保存资源给可能永远不会发生的未来。
- Thin plates, multimendia favourof economicalof plate material consumption, conducive to conserve resources. 印版薄,有利于节省版材材料的消耗,利于节约资源。
- Our key aim will be to encourage the community to produce less waste,thereby conserving resources and helping to make Hong Kong a cleaner city. 我们的目标,是鼓励市民减少制造废物,以节省资源和合力使香港的市容更整洁。
- To conserve resources when there are many objects, the folders in the Object Explorer tree do not automatically refresh their list of contents. 为了在存在多个对象时保留资源,对象资源管理器树中的文件夹不会自动刷新其目录列表。
- Frequently, to conserve resources, OABs are subsets of the information in the actual address lists that reside on your servers. 通常,为了节省资源,OAB只包含驻留在服务器上的实际地址列表中的一部分信息。
- Only in the 20th century have people become conscious of the fragility of nature and thus started to conserve resources. 直到20世纪人们才意识到大自然的脆弱,因而开始节约自然资源。
- Our key aim will be to encourage the community to produce less waste, thereby conserving resources and helping to make Hong Kong a cleaner city. 我们的目标,是鼓励市民减少制造废物,以节省资源和合力使香港的市容更整洁。
- The K4000RC Server can be configured with a threshold, expressed in seconds, after which idle clients will be disconnected to conserve resources. 仪器服务器能够在很短的时间内,快速用一个开端配置,之后,一个空闲的客户机程序将被断开,以保存资料。
- The goal of the exhibit, which runs through January, is to show visitors that saving energy and conserving resources are within reach of ev-eryone. 这项展览明年一月结束,目标是向参观群众展示节能和保护资源,对每个人都是举手之劳。
- Citi's deal with the IFC comes as the financial crisis has caused banks around the world to cut credit lines to conserve resources. 花旗与IFC达成上述交易之际,金融危机已导致全球各家银行收紧放贷,以节约资源。
- Immeasurable quantity of natural resource was lost forever through misuse. 无法估量的自然资源因被滥用而永远丧失了。
- He conserved his energy for the game. 他为比赛而养精蓄锐。
- Can such Dao be conserved in museum? 这样的刀也能算作博物馆级么?
- You'd better stick to conserved patterns. 你最好还是穿保守点的款式。