- His conservative views made him unpopular. 他保守的观点使他不受欢迎。
- He said he would not line up alongside people with such conservative views. 他说他不愿跟有这种保守观点的人来往。
- A sociopolitical reactionary,especially a southern Democrat with highly conservative views. 波旁社会政治上的反动分子,尤指南方民主党中持极端保守观点的反动分子
- A sociopolitical reactionary, especially a southern Democrat with highly conservative views. 波旁社会政治上的反动分子,尤指南方民主党中持极端保守观点的反动分子
- The passage of consumer protection legislation also seems to have been related to swings in public opinion between liberal and conservative views. 消费者权益保护法的通过似乎也与公众舆论在自由主义与保守主义观点之间摇摆不定有关。
- Joseph Ratzinger (far right) was made Cardinal of Munich in 1977 and became known for his conservative views on religious dogma. 1977年,若瑟。拉辛格(右一)成为慕尼黑枢机主教,因其教义上的保守观点而著称。
- But he took a conservative view of frivolous lawsuits against corporations and excessive punitive damages. 但在针对企业的轻率诉讼和过度的惩罚性损害赔偿上,他持有保守的观点。
- John McWhorter, a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counterculture as responsible for the decline of formal English. 他认为20世纪60年代的反传统文化是正式英语衰退的原因。
- Fukuda is seen as an advocate of warm relations with China and South Korea, while Aso is known for his conservative views that have sometimes riled Japan's neighbors. 福田康夫被视为主张与中国和韩国发展良好关系,而麻生太郎以保守观点着称,有时让日本的邻国感到愤怒。
- And they had boiled with righteous anger at the liberal elites who extended infinite indulgence to bomb-throwing radicals while dismissing conservative views as evidence of racism and sexism. 自由党上层阶级无节制地沉溺在扔炸弹式的激进主义中,同时抛弃了保守的观点,比如种族主义、性别歧视,于是中产阶级在满腔愤怒中沸腾了。
- He thought the literary developmental perspective lay on the abstention of reasonableness and normality of human nature and reviewed or argued on literature on the basis of such particular conservative view. 认为文学的大道在理性的节制与人性的常态,并以此保守、独特的文学观进行文学批评与论争;
- the conservative views of his parents 他父母的保守观念
- The man turned from Radical to Conservative. 这人从激进派变成了保守派。
- He was very conservative in the estimate. 他的这一估计很保守。
- The committee is of a/has a conservative bias. 委员会有一种保守的偏见。
- I find his racist views totally repugnant. 我十分厌恶他的种族主义观点。
- Two Conservative MPs went over to the Liberals. 有两名保守党议员转至自由党一边。
- He broke with the Conservative Party over Europe. 因在欧洲问题上看法不同,他脱离了保守党。
- He stated his views in broad outline. 他粗略地讲了自己的观点。
- They use the press to disseminate right-wing views. 他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点。