- Conservation cultivation in winter, such as cover crops and non-tillage, can increase water content of soil, suppress soil erosion, and scavenge soil residual nitrogen. 摘要冬季种植覆盖作物结合免耕法构成的保护性耕作法,在冬春季土壤休闲时期可提高土壤含水率,抑制土壤风蚀,回收土壤残留氮素;
- Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。
- mechanized conservation cultivation 机械化保护性耕作
- Who discovered the conservation of energy? 谁发现了能量守恒?
- Conservation is of the utmost importance. 保护自然资源至关重要。
- Conservation methods will also help meet their energy needs. 能量保存方法也会有利于满足其能源需求。
- conservation cultivations 保护性耕作
- A concrete wall is built to stop silt from leaking to the conservation land. 一道水泥墙修筑起来,用以防止泥沙流进保留地。
- Most people have come to accept the need for conservation of natural resources. 现在大多数人已认识到保护自然资源的必要。
- He leans politically towards conservation. 他在政治上倾向于保守主义。
- You must master the law of conservation of energy. 你必须掌握能量守衡定律。
- There is a need for the conservation of trees. 有必要保护树木。
- A concrete wall was built to stop silt from leaking to the conservation land. 一道水泥墙修筑起来,用以防止泥沙流进保留地。
- Conservation is one way to make sure we have enough energy in the future. 对自然资源的保护是保证我们将来有足够的能源的一种办法。
- Wildlife Conservation and Management MSc, Diploma. 野生动物保护及管理。
- Must pay attention to the wildlife conservation. 我们必须注意野生动物保护。
- Application of law of conservation of momentum. 四、动量守恒定律的应用。
- Continue to hold conservation agriculture forum. 继续举办保护性耕作论坛。
- We should pay more attention to the conservation. 我们必须更注意野生动物的保护。
- What is the Asian Waterbird Conservation Fund? 何谓亚洲水鸟保育基金?