- congested mocosa 粘膜充血, 粘膜发红
- The street was congested with traffic. 街道因往来车辆而阻塞。
- He had a cold and was very congested. 他患了感冒,鼻子不通。
- The illness congested his lungs. 疾病使他肺部充血。
- The highway was congested with cars. 公路被车辆堵塞。
- The streets are often congested. 街上经常拥挤。
- His throat congested with phlegm. 他的喉咙被痰堵住了。
- An enlarged, inflamed and congested spleen. 肿胀、发炎和阻塞的脾脏。
- The central nervous system is congested. 中枢神经系统已经充血。
- The city streets were congested with vehicles. 市内的街道车辆拥挤。
- The downtown district is very congested. 商业区非常拥挤。
- The traffic will get less congested soon. 交通阻塞会迅速疏通。
- Many of Europe's airports are heavily congested. 欧洲许多机场都十分拥挤。
- The doctor said his lungs were congested. 医生说他的肺充血。
- The street is congested with traffic. 街道上交通拥挤
- Wangfujing Street is always very congested. 王府井大街总是非常拥挤。
- The roads to Bordeaux were heavily congested. 通往波尔多的道路非常拥挤。
- His lungs seem to be congested, doctor. 医生,他的肺似乎是充血的。
- Oxford Street is always very congested. 牛津大道总是很拥挤。
- The traffic became congested on the one-way street. 这条单行车道发生了交通拥堵。