- A confusion of sounds or voices. 嘈杂声混乱的声音或音响
- It is an authentic work of Qi Baishi. 这是齐白石的真迹。
- The metropolis is a confusion of old and new. 大都市是新与旧的大杂烩。
- She went on to depict the confusion of departure. 她继续描述离开时的混乱情景。
- A mixture or confusion of languages. 多种语言的混合或混淆
- Cabbage is a well-known example of Qi's work. “白菜”是齐白石的一个著名作品。
- The disco was a confusion of loud noises. 迪斯科舞厅一片混乱 的喧吵的噪音.
- The State of Qi grew more powerful day by day. 这样,齐国变得越来越富,齐国人过得越来越好,而国王的威望,自然也就越来越高了。
- The blood serves as the mother of Qi. 血为气之母
- Her father and mother had been among San Francisco's leaders in a pioneer day. 她的父母当年在旧金山拓荒时期是地方上的领袖人物。
- The man of Qi worries in case the sky should fall. 杞人忧天。
- To utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds. 说话含糊不清发出一种无意义的混乱的词或声音
- In this,however,there seems be much confusion of ideas. 然而,在这方面,看来存在着严重的思想混乱。
- Eco-agriculture has anciently existed in our country, such as the "Sang Ii fishpond" in the San Jiao Zhou of Zhu Jiang is an agricultural synthetic ecosystem, it was already inhered before the liberation. 生态农业我国古已有之,如珠江三角洲的“桑基鱼塘”,是农业人工生态系统,在解放前就已出现。
- There is a minister called Yan Ying in the state of Qi. 齐国有一个叫晏婴的大臣。
- The disharmony of qi and blood may cause various diseases. 气血不和,百病乃变化而生。
- The prince was given a warm reception in the State of Qi. 晋文公在齐国得到了很好的接待,齐恒公还把齐国的一个公主嫁给了他。
- The king of Qi was released and pleased with Chunyu Kun. 齐威王松了一口气,十分满意淳于髡的表现,并决定设宴为他庆功。
- From the history of the State of Qi, we can draw the conclusion. 从齐国的历史发展过程中可以总结出这一规律。
- However, it has been fettered longtime at divers quarters in China, among them including the confusion of understanding. 而在我国它却长期受到多方面的束缚,其中包括认识上的混乱。