- Theory of deontology; arguments for and against our right to suicide; conflict between right and duty; Kant; Hume; debate on local cases. 道义论、自杀之对与错、权利与义务的冲突、康德、休谟、本地个案之研究。
- Abusing of rights is different from the conflicts between rights,and it lies in the conflicts of rights and interests. 权利滥用与权利冲突的表现不同,它是权利与利益的冲突。
- The conflict between them is over. 他们之间的冲突结束了。
- Two problems about guarantee for chattel transfer often arise.They are legal relationship between parties and confliction between right of guarantee for chattel transfer and other rights. 动产让与担保制度最常出现的问题为当事人之间的法律关系问题及动产让与担保权与其他权利之间的冲突问题。
- Conflict between Right of Privacy and Right to Know in the Publicity of Government Information 政府信息公开中知情权和隐私权的冲突与协调
- Weighing Interests in the Conflict between Right of Sea Area's Use and Fishery Right 海域使用权与渔业权冲突中的利益衡量
- The Intermediation to the Conflict between Right of Privacy and Freedom of the Press 论隐私权与新闻自由冲突的调解
- There has always been some conflict between the sexes. 两性之间从来就有矛盾。
- It is certainly important to distinguish between right and wrong. 明辨是非当然要紧。
- We should make a distinction between right and wrong. 我们应该分清是非。
- A physical conflict between two or more individuals. 格斗两人或多个人之间身体上的斗殴
- How to Deal with the Conflict Between Power and Right in Internet? 如何对待网络上公权与私权的冲突?
- He can discern between right and wrong. 他能分清是非。
- To resolve conflicts between team members. 负责解决团队成员之间的矛盾冲突。
- We should distinguish between right and wrong. 我们应辨别是非。
- The conflict between them seems ceaseless. 他们之间冲突似乎没个止息。
- It is important to teach children to discriminate between right and wrong. 教育小孩区分是非很重要。
- There is a distance between right and wrong. 善恶有别。
- A struggle between right and wrong. 苦苦挣扎于是非之间。
- The long drawn-out conflict between the employers and workers led to the strike last week. 劳资之间旷日持久的纠纷导致了上周的罢工。