- conflict of legal interests 法益冲突
- Third, the conflict of legal norm and legal supervised pattern leads to that the duty of forestry administrative office is indefinite. 二是完善林业产业化相关法律规范,严格森林采伐许可制度,完善对非公有制林业的保护,填补法律的空白,解决与林业产业化相关法律规范之间的冲突。
- It is replaced by aggression and serious aggression of legal interests in criminal jurisprudence,but they are criminal aggress... 这样规定,不仅剔除了“社会危害性”这一宏观、模糊的、甚至易受主观价值取向改变的犯罪定义标准,而且有利于刑事司法操作。
- But because of the shortage of legal awareness or the drive of interests, the parties will sometimes infringe others’ legal interests or violate the laws. 但是由于法制观念的缺乏或者受到利益的驱使,当事人在调查收集证据的过程中往往会侵害他人的合法权益或者违反法律的相关禁止性规定。
- That would constitute a conflict of interest. 那会带来利害冲突。
- In the meantime, yi Bao pays to had done relevant evidence to conserve, withhold benefit use statute to safeguard his the right of legal interest. 同时,易宝支付已经做好了相关证据保全,并保留利用法律维护自己合法利益的权利。
- Conflict of Interest Disclosures. 利益冲突的披露。
- Mayor Blake gave up the presidency of the oil company to avoid conflict of interest. 布莱克市长辞去了石油公司总裁的职务,以避自肥之嫌。
- Nuremberg Trial and the Conflict of Legal Values 纽伦堡审判与法律价值观冲突
- A mere semblance of legal right. 表面(权利)合法权益的表象
- His conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post. 人们在交往过程中难免发生冲突。
- The conflict of interest between China and USA is inevitable. 利益冲突在中国和美国之间是不可避免的。
- A Study on the Form of Legal Interest Infringement 法益侵犯形态研究
- There's a massive conflict of interest," the Briton said. 有一个巨大的利益冲突,“英国人说.
- the function of legal interest protection 法益保护机能
- All conflict of anger will naturally disappear. 那么不必要的冲突怨恨就会消失无踪。
- Conflict of legal crime and punishment with the criminal law 罪刑法定与刑法解释的冲突
- Meanwhile,we must discriminate the thought of jurisprudence in value from the application of legal skill in specific.Only in this way can we apprehend the conflicts of rights better. 同时必须区分价值层面的法理学思考与工具层面的法技术运用,这样才能更好地理解权利冲突问题。
- Hymie said it'd save a lot of legal mess. 海米说这样可以省去许多法律上的麻烦。
- They enforced payment by threats of legal action. 他们以合法行为相威胁迫使支付。