- I did the calculation by the rule of three. 我是根据比例运算法则计算出来的。
- He looked around to confirm that he was alone. 他四处张望,要确定周围没人。
- Whitehall is/are refusing to confirm the reports. 英国政府对这些报道不予证实。
- You are out in your calculation. 你失算了。
- Do you require a deposit to confirm a reservation? 确定预定的旅馆房间要不要付定金?
- After much calculation, they offered him the job. 经过慎重考虑,他们把这项工作交给他了。
- Information confirm gravely advice possible countermeasure. 已确认消息极为不好,请电告有何良策。
- Did I make any error in my calculation? 我计算中有没有出差错?
- There's an error in your calculation. 你计算中有个错误。
- Your calculation is way off beam. 你的计算大错特错。
- I am writing to confirm the booking make by telephone. 我写此信以确认通过电话做的预订。
- Determined by mathematical calculation. 计算出的通过数学计算来确定的
- I'd like to confirm our connect flight reservation, please. 我想确定我们联运班机的预定票。
- I wrote a memorandum to confirm our verbal agreement. 我写了份备忘录以确认我们的口头协议。
- Her qualifications and experience confirm her eligibility for the job. 她的资历和经验决定她适宜做这项工作。
- He slipped up in his calculation and failed in the examination. 他计算出了错,这次考试未能及格。
- The candidate's disclaimers confirm that we were right in our estimation. 那位候选人的否认证实了我们的判断正确。
- The calculation was difficult, but we finally cracked it. 计算起来很费劲,然而我们终於解决了。
- confirmatory calculation 验算
- Kindly confirm receipt of this order. 请来函确认接受这次订单。