- The configuration of the stars or planets in relation to one another. 星位,行或恒星的相互位置
- The star of the film is a previously unknown actor. 这部电影里的明星以前是个默默无闻的演员。
- The eternal motion of the stars fascinated him. 星体永恒的运行使他著迷。
- Jane was in only one scene of the play, but she stole the show from the stars. 简只是在全剧的一场戏中出现,但她(精彩的演出)却把观众对其他明星的喝彩全抢走了。
- Aquarius is the friendliest of the star signs. 水瓶座是所有星座中最友善的星座。
- Sidereal: of the stars and their measurements. 星的,恒星的,以恒星为衡量标准的。
- And rejoice in the beauty of the stars. 感受宇宙的美丽。
- The student of astronomy is lost in wonder at the multitude and the distance of the stars. 这位天文学学生对星辰之繁多和距离之遥远惊叹不已。
- Pisces is the most flexible of the star signs. 双鱼座是所有星座中最灵活的。
- The configuration of the furniture is great. 这个家具的构造很新颖。
- Applegate, 37, the star of the U.S. 此后艾伯盖特进行了乳房重塑手术。
- Every aton in the body was once part of the star! 这么久了还是没人多少人看!!
- Brachiosaurus is definitely the star of the show. 腕龙绝对是这场秀中的明星。
- She is the star of the team, everybody loves her. 她是团队里的重要人物,大家都很喜欢她。
- Verify the configuration of the public folder hierarchy. 验证公用文件夹层次结构的配置。
- The study of the evolution and configuration of landforms. 地貌学对地形发展和结构进行的研究
- Geographers study the configuration of the mountains. 地理学家研究山脉的地形轮廓。
- Configuration of the machines for the lower effect more visible. 对于配置较低的机器效果更为明显。
- We should rearrange the configuration of the system. 我们应该重新编排系统。
- Some of the stars black out from time to time. 有些星星时明时暗。