- conduct acts of terror 开展恐怖主义活动
- Why do people commit acts of terrorism? 为什么会有人进行恐怖主义活动?
- A: Why do people commit acts of terrorism? 为什么会有人进行恐怖主义活动?
- It also denounces all acts of terrorism. 决议案还谴责各种形式的恐怖活动。
- Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil,despicable acts of terror. 数千个生命瞬间就被邪恶的恐怖主义袭击吞噬了。
- Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. 数千个生命瞬间就被邪恶的恐怖主义袭击吞噬了。
- The act of terrorism is condemned by the minister of justice. 恐怖主义的行动受到司法部长的谴责。
- We should not hold one who is a Muslim responsible for an act of terror. 我们不应该持有让穆斯林人对这一恐怖行为负责的态度。
- Initially 14 men were arrested on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terror late on September 1 and early on September 2. 在9月1号晚些时候和9月2号早些时候的搜捕行动中,最开始有14人因代理,准备或和教唆恐怖活动被逮捕。
- Many, if not all, of the coalition partners have already made statements vowing to resist kidnappings and other acts of terror. 如果不是全部也是多数的联军成员已经声明发誓抵制绑架和其他恐怖行为。
- U.S. commandant Watson, who had earlier sent the Russians a note protesting "acts of terror" (it was ignored), sent the deputy .Soviet commandant, Colonel C. 美国Watson将军在早先曾给苏联人递过表示“反对恐怖行动“的纸条(未被注意),而苏联司令ColonelC.
- Terrorists have succeeded in achieving their goal: filling the people with fear. And in Ossetia, the record-setter in acts of terror, this isn't hard to do. 恐怖份子已经成功让人们心中充满恐惧,在暴力频传的北奥塞提亚这更不是件难事。
- In the last few months alone, we have apprehended extremists within our borders who were sent here from the border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan to commit new acts of terror. 就在过去几个月里,我们在我们的国界之内拘捕了极端主义分子,他们被从阿富汗和巴基斯坦的边境地区派来,执行新的恐怖行动。
- These measures failed to bring acts of terrorism to an end. 这些措施没能结束恐怖主义行动。
- The balance of terror have replace the balance of power. 恐惧的制衡已经取代了强权的制衡。
- What is clear is that this woman was conducting acts of infidelity before her divorce. 很清楚的是,这位妇女早在她离婚前就不忠了。
- Medvedev said such a cruel act of terror on the international community as a whole order of the damage. 中英文对照:梅德韦杰夫称,这种残忍的恐怖行径对整个国际社会秩序造成了破坏。
- Extreme splinter groups have continued their acts of terrorism. 极端的分裂组织继续他们的恐怖行为。
- This dreadful murder is surely the act of a madman. 这种令人惊骇的谋杀纯粹是疯子的行为。
- Maybe, all in all, what we really need is not a war but a process that can genuinely lead to progressive diminution of the conflicts and hatreds that lead to acts of terror and indiscriminate killing. 总而言之,或许我们真正需要的不是一场战争,而是一个过程,一个能真正将那些导致恐怖行径和肆意杀戮的冲突和仇恨逐步递减的过程。