- The governor was attacked by the press for failing to keep a campaign promise. 州长因没能履行一项竞选时的承诺而受新闻界抨击。
- They embarked on a campaign to get people to vote. 他们展开一场动员人们投票的运动。
- We are going to conduct a public opinion poll. 我们将进行民意测验。
- The company has launched a campaign of publicity for a new car. 公司为它的新型汽车大作宣传。
- He had been subject to a campaign of innuendo in the press. 他一直受到新闻界指桑骂槐的影射。
- The government is waging a campaign against sex discrimination in industry. 政府正在展开反对工业界性别歧视的运动。
- He should learn how to conduct a meeting. 他应当学习如何主持会议。
- To conduct a performance or rehearsal. 进行演出或排练
- The city is waging a campaign against smoking. 这座城市正在开展一场戒烟运动。
- To conduct a raid or participate in one. 进行奇袭采取或参与奇袭
- To conduct a survey of(public opinion); poll. 民意调查进行一项(民意)调查;投票
- They embark on a campaign to get people to vote. 他们展开一场动员人们投票的运动。
- Our country is launching a campaign against waste. 我们国家正在开展反浪费运动。
- You mean you want to conduct a quiz now? 你是要出题是吧?
- He should learn how to conduct a meeting . 他应该学会如何主持会议。
- We are launching a campaign against waste. 我们正发起一场反浪费活动。
- Will we be able to conduct a barter trade? 咱们能不能搞一笔以货易货的贸易呢?
- The city hall is planning to start a campaign against smoking. 市政府计划发起禁烟运动。
- To subject to or conduct a pretest. 预先测试参加或主持预先测试
- They waged a campaign against cheating on exams. 他们开展了反对考试作弊的运动。