- The particularity and development conditions of tourism resources in the Jiuyi Mountain are analyzed in the paper, and the deep development strategy for tourism is discussed. 摘要从分析九嶷山旅游资源特质和开发现状着手,对九嶷山旅游深度开发策略进行了探讨。
- condition of tourism resources 旅游资源条件
- On this foundation,we obtain the overall analysis of the diet tourism resources development value through the analysis of Changsha diet culture and the condition of its development value. 在此基础上,通过对长沙饮食文化的分析评价及其开发的条件分析,从而得出饮食旅游资源开发价值的总体评价。
- Accelerating The Spanning From A Province Of Tourism Resources To A Province Of Tourist Industry! 加快旅游资源大省向旅游产业大省的跨越!
- Text plans this sort of tourism resources included products and travel routes to devel... 以皖南贵池为案例地,对贵池旅游区区内李白诗词旅游产品和线路等进行了分析和规划。
- The sixth part probed into establishing the management information system of tourism resources in LTC, and the designing program was proposed. 第六部分对兰州旅游圈旅游资源管理信息系统的建立进行了初步的探索,并提出了相应的设计方案,以期抛砖引玉。
- However, there are some problems in Zhenjiang's tourism development such as poor tourism location, unreasonable exploiting of tourism resources. 但旅游资源开发中也存在旅游资源区位不佳、旅游资源开发不合理、开发条件较差等问题。
- This phenomenon determines that great deals of tourism resources are idled and wasted, retarding the development of the tourism industry in Shanxi province. 这种状况决定了山西旅游资源大量不合理地被闲置和浪费,影响了山西旅游业的快速发展。
- Development of tourism resources and industry are one of the new industrial policies in the implementation of the Development of West China and industrial restructuring. 开发旅游资源,发展旅游产业是西部地区在实施西部开发战略、调整产业结构中提出的新的产业政策。
- The feasibility of the tour express way from Shijiazhuang to Wutai Mountain and the development of tourism resources in west portion of Shijiazhuang are discussed. 论述石家庄-五台山旅游通道,探讨以西柏坡旅游区为中心的石家庄西部旅游资源开发。
- This paper, from theory of social structure, analyzed the structure of tourism resources of religion and its development contents, and put forward its development system. 摘要从社会结构理论的视角,分析了宗教旅游资源的构成及其可开发的内容,提出了宗教旅游资源的开发体系。
- The property or condition of being permeable. 渗透,渗透性可渗透的特质或状态
- The fact or condition of holding property by lease. 租借通过租契而获得财产的事实或状态
- The quality or condition of being exuberant. 充沛,繁茂繁茂的性质或状态
- But it will be fit for the objective need under the right guide of public opinion so that it can provide beneficial legal safeguard for the protection and development of tourism resources in China. 我国旅游资源法律制度的建立和完善是一个逐步发展的过程,但是,在可持续发展思想指导下,我国的旅游资源法律制度会更加适应客观的需要,并为我国旅游资源保护和发展提供有力的法律保障。
- The quality or condition of being obedient. 服从顺从、服从的品性或条件
- The quality or condition of being rational. 合理性合乎理性的性质或状态
- To undertake the study of evaluation of tourism resources is a fundamental work for making macroscopic policy decision and formulating the plan for the scenic area of Mount Dragon and Tiger. 开展龙虎山旅游资源的评价研究,是进行龙虎山旅游风景区开发宏观决策、制定龙虎山旅游区规划的重要基础性工作。
- Hard work is a condition of success. 勤奋是成功的前提。
- Abstract : Because of the multilateral values of tourism resources , the benefactors of tourism resources appear diverse so that their benefit s must be preserved by the government . 摘要:旅游资源价值的多重性,带来旅游资源利益主体的多元性,维护各主体的利益就成了政府管制的主要目的之一。