- I am going to take the parcel to the post office this afternoon. 今天下午我打算去邮局寄包裹。
- Do you have anything to take to the post office? 两句都表示你有没有要带往邮局的东西?
- Don't forget to take the parcel with you when you go to the post office. 去邮局时别忘了把包裹带上。
- Are you going to take the challenge lying down? 你打算屈服于这种挑战吗?
- It'd be very kind of you to condescend to take this post. 要是您肯屈就,那是太好了。
- I now invite the President to take the floor. 现在请总统讲话。
- He asked Uncle Wang to take the chair. 他请求王大叔主持会议。
- I even more like to take the plane. 我更愿意乘飞机去。
- He occasionally condescended to take bribes. 他偶尔也自贬身价接受贿赂。
- I had to take the herb tea although it's bitter. 虽然汤药很苦,我还是不得不喝了。
- The company offers a high salary, you should really consider whether to take the post or not. 这家公司的薪酬不错,去就问题你要多考虑。
- I need a sandwich to take the edge off my appetite. 我需要一份三明治以解腹中之饥。
- She held out her hand to take the rope. 她伸手去抓那根绳子。
- Eric Schmidt replaces the google in this year in August to unite founder lary Petch to take the post of the chief executive officer. 埃里克施密特在该年8月接替谷歌联合创始人拉里佩奇出任首席执行官。
- A depositor forgot to take the receipt. 一个存款人忘了拿走收据。
- Invites Maring to take the post of team head coach, this is merely great transports the first step which the football team helps oneself. 聘请马林出任球队主教练,这仅仅是宏运足球队自救的第一步。
- Why did the patient refuse to take the medicine? 那个病人为什么不肯服药?
- Taylor recovers resurfaces, possibly not the first round, but may replace standard Longde Si in the competition to take the post of the left back. 泰勒伤愈复出,可能不会首发,但可在之后的比赛中替换格隆德斯出任左后卫。
- You were wrong to take the car without permission. 你未得许可就把汽车开走是不应该的。
- I do wish he wouldn't condescend to the junior staff in his department. 我但愿他不要假惺惺地纡尊降贵接近部门里的低级员工。