- Testing and Analysis of Local Stress in Concrete under Anchor Plate of Prestressed Tendon 预应力张拉时锚下局部应力的测试与分析
- concrete under anchor 锚下混凝土
- The experimental result of imperviousness of asphalt concrete under various load levels is presented in this paper. 本试验侧重于沥青混凝土的防渗性能研究。
- This paper studied the fatigue properties of the plain concrete under constant amplitude flexural cyclic loading. 在室内混凝土试件弯曲疲劳试验的基础上,研究了素混凝土受弯试件在等幅重复荷载作用下的弯曲疲劳性能。
- The stress of Anchors and concrete which bears huge pre-stress under anchors is relatively well-distributed or not, that is measure criterion of anchorage. 锚具及锚具下部锚固体的应力分布是否相对均匀合理并且不会产生较大的应力集中,成为衡量锚固体系各部分结构是否合理的检验标准。
- The different influences of the capillary radius to the permeating speed and depth of concrete under different water pressure were investigated. 重点探讨在不同水压力作用下,毛细孔半径对混凝土渗透速率和渗透深度的不同影响。
- A new failure criterion and elastic\|plastic constitutive relation for concrete under biaxial stresses is discussed in this paper. 讨论了混凝土在双向应力作用下的破坏准则和弹塑性本构关系。
- I during my master’ degree study, have done some research on properties of metakaolin concrete under wetting and drying cycle conditions. 在硕士学习期间,我做了些干湿循环环境对偏高领土混凝土性能影响的研究。
- The test result of change laws of weight indicates that, to the ordinary concrete under sulfate attack, the rate of change is quickly. 各种混凝土的质量变化规律表明,对于普通混凝土,其受到侵蚀后质量变化幅度较大,前期增长快,后期衰减也快,但在试验周期内较初始质量没有损失;
- In view of the anisotropic damage characteristics of concrete under multiaxial stress state, an anisotropic elastoplastic damage model is presented. 针对混凝土多轴应力状态下各向异性损伤的特点,建立了各向异性弹塑性损伤模型。
- The stochastic damage constitutional law models of concrete under uniaxial tension, uniaxial compression and biaxial tension compression combination are established. 建立了混凝土单轴受拉、轴受压与双轴拉压组合条件下的随机损伤本构关系模型.
- Meyer Ottens C.Zur Frage der Abplatzungen an Bauteilenbei Brandbeaspruchung(Spalling of Structural Concrete Under Fire),Deutscher uss ue Stahlbeton,1975(248). 袁杰.;火灾后高强混凝土结构的剩余抗力研究[D]
- Summarization of structure design and construction of prestressed concrete under ground continuous wall rectangular pumping house are introduced in this paper. 结合工程实例,对预应力地下连续墙矩形泵房的结构设计、施工实践进行了总结。
- In this paper, the effect of mineral powder and W/B ratio on the charge passed with mortar and concrete under 56 day and 90 day s standard curing age is investigated. 研究了不同水胶比、不同矿物质粉体掺量的砂浆和混凝土,经标准养护至56天、90天时的导电量。
- Based on the continuum damage mechanics, an anisotropic elasto-damage model for predicting the residual strength of concrete under tension fatigue loading is presented. 基于连续体损伤力学理论,建立了各向异性混凝土抗拉疲劳剩余强度衰减模型。
- Based on the 21 specimen of AFRP concrete under different temperature,an test was designed and conducted to investigate the effect of temperature on the shear bond strength. 用21个试件,测定了芳纶复合材料(AFRP)与混凝土之间的抗剪粘结强度,通过改变温度,研究了温度对AFRP与混凝土间抗剪切粘结强度的影响。
- With changing the amount of rice hull powder to test the compressive strength?rupture strength and impermeability of C30 concrete under standard condition. 为分析稻壳粉对C30混凝土性能的影响,通过改变掺入稻壳粉的掺量测定了标准养护条件下C30混凝土的抗压强度、抗折强度、抗冻性能及抗渗性能。
- The effect of densified silica fume on low workability concretes under different water to binder ratio was studied. 在不同的水胶比条件下,考察了凝聚态硅灰对低工作性混凝土强度发展历程的影响。
- It concludes that percolation of roller compact concrete is of self-compactness by time effect under continuous action of water head and there may exist partial Darcy flow regime in roller compact concrete under high water head. 认为在持续水头作用下,碾压混凝土的渗透具有时效自密性;高水头作用下的碾压混凝土可能存在偏达西流现象。
- The concrete walls are reinforced with steel rods. 混凝土墙是用钢筋加固的。