- In the traditional design and analysis, beam or thin plate is often chosen as the mechanical model for the concrete slab sleeper. 在传统的设计与计算中,为了简化问题便于工程应用,常选择“梁”、“薄板”作为宽轨枕的力学模型。
- concrete slab sleeper 轨枕板
- A piece of concrete slab was placed next to the kiosk as an interim solution. 在检查站旁设置混凝土板,作为临。
- I met a white-haired old lady, sitting in the shade on a bare concrete slab. 我碰到一个满头白发的老年妇女坐在一个荫凉处裸露的水泥板上。
- The path is paved with concrete slabs. 这条路是用混凝土板铺成的。
- This type of foundation simply consists of a reinforced concrete slab, on which the walls etc. are built. 这种基础就是一块上面可以砌墙的钢筋混凝土厚板。
- Check China producted concrete slab walking machine against import fixed machine. 混凝土板条设备国产行机与进口定机的比较。
- My three-year old son watched closely as I battered at a concrete slab in our back yard with a heavy sledge-hammer. 我在后院用重的大锤敲打一块混凝土板时,我3岁的儿子聚精会神地在旁边看。
- The accrete effects of concrete slab, wood board, iron plate and plastic board were better than other material. 比较不同试验材料的生物附着效果,混凝土板、木板、铁板和塑料板的附着效果较好。
- The field test is made about the tunnel invert that combined with precast reinforced concrete slab and dry concrete. 结果表明,由本文设计的隧道仰拱组合结构,能够增强隧道的施工安全和加快施工进度。
- The purpose of this paper is to discuss Prof. method of analyzing two-way reinforced concrete slab. 本文的目的是介绍苏联格娃斯捷夫教授的计算双向板的公式。
- With FDM, the stress and displacement distributions of any parts of the cement concrete slab can be easily achieved. 利用有限差分法则能克服这个缺陷,并能方便地计算出整个板体不同部位的应力和位移分布。
- Mr Eric Tong of Hactl showed the condition of damage by tractors to the concrete slab where the kiosk used to be located. 保安检查站乔迁到安全地点香港空运货站有限公司唐子伟展示被牵引车撞毁的混凝土板,该混凝土板设置在检查站以往所在位置。
- The experimental research on the linear contractive quotiety of asphalt concrete which is used in an asphalt concrete slab project is presented in this paper. 摘要本文结合实际工程,对沥青混凝土进行低温段线收缩系数的试验研究。
- This paper analyses the causes leading to the crevice on the top slab of the basement of a building, and estimates temperature stress in the concrete slab. 本文针对某大厦现浇钢筋混凝土地下室顶板出现裂缝的原因进行分析,并估算混凝土板温度收缩应力。
- According to the available test results, the retrofitting scheme is recommended by adding a reinforced concrete slab atop the existing footings. 依据本文采用方法之评估及对试验结果之分析,发现纵向钢筋之数量及端部锚定形式,将会影响基础版之剪力强度。
- They also found that the school's precast, hollow concrete slab floors and walls did not appear to be securely joined together. 他们还发现学校建筑中的预制空心水泥板和墙体看上去没有被安全的连结在一起。
- As box structure is employed as inner form of cast-in-situ concrete slab to form hollow two-way slab,the slab deadweight is greatly reduced. 采用箱体结构作为现浇空心楼盖结构内模,形成空心双向板,可大大降低楼盖自重,具有混凝土用量少、结构自重轻、地震作用小、隔声隔热效果好等优点,综合效益显著。
- The results of the experiments and researches carried out here show that there are the wide uses and the hugely economic benefits of concrete slab m... 试验研究结果表明,冷轧带肋钢筋砼板类构件中有着显著的经济效益与广阔的应用前景,应加快推广应用。
- A case study of assessing overall crack rate of concrete slab of the building in Kaohsiung city is performed to illustrate the potential aptness of this model. 结果显示,本模式的分析结果与高雄市工程品质查核的结果差异不大。