- The Conceptual Integration Theory from cognitive linguistics can make a better explanation of the functions of transferred epithet. 认知语言学的概念整合理论对转类形容词的这些功能的解读具有较好的阐释力。
- The important roles played by metaphor and metonymy in conceptual integration have been well discussed by Grady, Oakley &Coulson (1999) and Coulson &Oakley, 2003) respectively. 讨论了概念隐喻理论与概念整合理论之间的关系,认为这两种理论“关注隐喻性概念形成过程的不同方面”(张辉,2003:61),它们之间是互补的关系。
- The present paper tries to analyze a well-known poem entitled "Easter Wings" by George Herbert and probe into the meaning structure of the text from three perspectives, namely iconicity, conceptual integration, and cognitive grammar. 本文试图从象似性、概念整合和认知语法等三个角度分析GeorgeHerbert的名诗《复活节翅膀》,对该语篇的意义结构进行深入探讨。
- According to Grady, Oakley & Coulson (1999), conceptual metaphors are among the stable structures available for exploitation by the blending process, and thus conceptual metaphors can serve as important inputs to conceptual integration. 概念隐喻理论关注的凝固化的隐喻映现在概念整合过程中可以被利用来生成新的突生结构,因而这些凝固化的隐喻映现对概念整合来说是重要的、稳定的输入空间。
- Blending (Conceptual Integration) theory, initiated in 1985 by Fauconnier in his Mental Spaces, has been developing rapidly and is drawing more and more attention from the academic community. 自1985年Fauconnier提出心理空间理论以来,经过10多年,发展到今天的概念合成理论,已基本成熟,目前成为认知语言学的重要组成部分,为研究语言运用背后的认知活动搭起了一个统一的理论框架。
- To the supernormal but easy-understood language phenomenon, positive- negative departure matching theory and conceptual integration theory are fit to elucidate the new language phenomena well. 对这些反常合道的语言创新现象,运用正负偏离搭配理论和概念整合理论可以进行很好的阐释。
- Conceptual Integration Theory introduces to us the backstage cognition of human language use.In the theory, we see four mental spaces, two input spaces, one blended space and one emergent construct. 摘要概念整合理论是揭示人类语言运用中的后台认知,它包括四个空间,即两个输入空间,一个复合空间和一个共有空间。
- the conceptual integration theory 概念整合理论
- He puts a high value on integrity. 他对正直的评价很高。
- I'm rather doubtful about his integrity. 我对这事的忠诚颇有怀疑。
- The Explanatory Power of Conceptual Integration for Verbal Humor 概念整合对幽默言语的阐释力
- Served the public with dedication and integrity. 以无私奉献的精神廉正地为民众服务
- Conceptual Integration, Pragmatic Inference and Metonymic Cognition 概念整合、语用推理与转喻认知
- Our integrity as a nation is threatened. 我们国家的完整性受到了威胁。
- The Cognitive Force of the Conceptual Integration Theory 概念整合理论的认知力
- The integrity of the judge is unquestioned. 这位法官的正直是毫无疑问的。
- The Conceptual Integration Model in Second Language Acquisition 二语习得中的概念整合模式
- Our integrity as a nation is threatened by these separatist forces. 我们国家的完整受到了这些分裂主义势力的威胁。
- Conceptual Integration and Anomalous Collocation of Quantifier and Noun 概念整合与汉语量名词超常搭配
- Transferred epithet: An interpretation of the Conceptual Integration Theory 概念整合理论对移就的阐释