- You have more energy and an increased sense of well being. 您会发现更有精力,自我感觉也更加好。
- This dark picture of human life leads existentialists to reject ideas such as happiness and a sense of well being. 这导致人类生活一团漆黑拒绝存在主义等观念和忧患幸福安康。
- I seem to have a feeling of well being, my blood pressure is normal and cholestrol level is low. Thank god for Baramul Emu Oil. 我现在感觉身体健康多了;我的血压很正常;胆固醇也不高.;衷心的感谢百瑞母鸸油
- Endorphin is a chemical secreted from one's own body that helps reduces stress, pain and creates a general sense of well being and happiness. 内啡肽是人体自身释放的一种化学物质,用来帮助减压、镇痛,同时会让人产生一种幸福、快乐的感觉。
- Yerba Mate is a natural stimulant like coffee.However unlike coffee it helps sleep by virtue of its relaxing properties and generally helps achieve an overall sense of well being. 马黛茶与咖啡皆属于天然的兴奋剂,但和咖啡不同的是马黛茶具有放松的功效,可助眠安神及营养补充等功效。
- A view point on the new concept of “well logging ology”is presented based on the definition of science, technique and subject, and thus, predicting the development trend of“well logging ology”. 从科学、技术与学科的定义出发提出了自己对测井学的认识,并由此推测测井学科的发展前景。
- Some of our research may well be said to have reached advanced levels. 我们有些研究工作确实可说已达到先进水平。
- Who originated the concept of stereo sound? 立体声是谁发明的?
- New memory foam mattresses can help you get a better nights rest which improves your overall feeling of well being. 新型记忆泡沫床垫能给你一个可以提高你全部幸福感的休息得更好的夜晚。
- Barring extreme circumstances, our level of well being is determined by what we choose to focus on (the full or the empty part of the glass) and by our interpretation of external events. 除非出现极端的情况,我们的福祉水平是由我们选择关注的内容(满的或者空出部分的玻璃杯)以及由我们对外部事件的解释来决定的。
- The concept of sampling will be presented below. 关于采样的概念,后面将要说明。
- Articulate clear concept of what is to be achieved. 明晰清楚地观点,什么是将要达成的。
- It may well be that the train is delayed. 很有可能火车晚点了。
- And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impact on the ways in which we face the challenges of the daily life. 这种健康理念较为关注健康的生活方式,对我们如何面对日常生活里的挑战产生着有益的影响。
- How the Concept of Market Economy be Presented? 市场经济概念是怎样提出来的?
- Never to be weary of well doing. 行善莫怕烦。
- It is difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space. 掌握无限空间的概念是很难的。
- The old well was bricked up when it ran dry. 旧井干枯以后被人用砖堵上了。
- The concept of cat arises from many cats we see. 猫的概念是从我们看见的许多猫中产生的。
- I have no conception of what you mean. 我想不出你的意思是什么。