- college students' concept of honor and shame 大学生荣辱观
- the socialist concept of honor and shame 社会主义荣辱观
- concept of honor and shame 荣辱观
- Various activities to study and propagate such a concept of honor and disgrace have been launched. 为此,全社会从上到下展开了学习和宣传社会主义荣辱观的形式多样的活动。
- Socialist concept of honor and spirit of the times and reflects the Chinese people's traditional virtues of the organic unity. 社会主义荣辱观体现了中华民族传统美德和时代精神的有机统一。
- Sharing concept of honor and disgrace is the fundamental views and attitude of the world outlook, outlook on life and values of vivid manifestation. 荣辱观是人们对荣誉和耻辱的根本看法和态度,是世界观、人生观、价值观的生动体现。
- Education of socialist concept of honor and disgrace is the moral footstone for the rise and fall of a socialist country and a party. 摘要社会主义荣辱观教育是社会主义国家兴衰、政党兴衰、永葆先进性的道德基石。
- On Setting up Socialistic Views of Honor and Shame 论树立社会主义荣辱观
- socialist view of honor and shame 社会主义荣辱观
- First, establish a socialist concept of honor and is people-centered, to promote the comprehensive development and social progress in an all-round demands. 第一,树立社会主义荣辱观,是坚持以人为本,促进人的全面发展和社会全面进步的内在要求。
- cducation on the outlook of honor and shame 荣辱观教育
- Chinese traditional view of honor and shame 中国传统荣辱观
- To incorporate the socialist concept of honor and disgrace in moral education among college students, we must stress "three focuses" and implement "five combinations". 为主的社会主义荣辱观教育作为加强和改进大学生思想道德建设的重要内容,必须突出“三个重点”,做好“五个紧密结合”。
- To deeply understand the human basis and practice subjects and assessment method of Marxian concept of honor and disgrace to construct the rational spirit with human care is the interest and theoretical focus of this paper. 深刻认识马克思主义荣辱观的人性基础、实践主体和评价路径,以构建当代人性关怀、人格养成的实践理性精神是本文研究的兴趣所在和理论主旨。
- concept of honors and shames 荣辱观
- Therefore, we have to boycott the unhealthy and immoral behavior in our daily life and establish the conception of honor and disgrace in rightness. 所以我们要抵制一些不健康、不文明的行为,塑造正确的荣辱观。
- The socialist concept of honor and disgrace with "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" as a focus is an important aspect of the core socialist value system. 摘要以“八荣八耻”为主要内容的社会主义荣辱观是社会主义核心价值体系的一个重要方面。
- On Cultivating the University Students Have Senses of Honor and Shame 论大学生知荣明耻意识的培育
- It is important to cultivate and shape our conscience related to the conception of honor and disgrace, which is the crucial factor for the outlook and destiny of China. 我们的思想道德素质如何,有什么样的荣辱观,事关祖国的前途与命运。
- Fan Xiao -xian thinks that socialist views of honors and shames have ethic significance to the academic morality. 范笑仙则认为社会主义荣辱观对学术道德建设具有重要的伦理意义。