- Computer methods may then be used to advantage. 采用计算机方法是有益的。
- We apply their computational method to poxviruses. 我们把这种计算方法应用于痘病毒。
- Now we present an example to illustrate the computing method of activity-based costing. 现在我们来举一个例子说明作业成本制度的计算方法。
- How to use MD5 and RSA computing methods to realize digital signature in official document transmission is introduced. 介绍利用MD5算法与RSA算法实现公文传输的数字签名。
- Comparing with the simulation methods and bound computing methods, QBD model is obviously superior. 6. 与以往的仿真或计算性能指 标边界的方法相比,QBD模型法显然更具优越性。
- This let us obtain the computing methods for crust stress and strain in research region. 创建了研究区资料信息数据库,得到了研制地壳应力应变状态的计算法。
- IOS Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering. 科学和工程计算方法杂志。
- This paper introduced check computation methods and reinforce me. 介绍了超重车辆过桥的验算方法与加固措施,并提出了有效的管理措施。
- The priciple,structure,functions,effects,computing methods and data of new-developed AC arc welding machines used in MMA,TIG and SAW are dealt with. 本文综述了新近发展的手工电弧焊(MMA)、钨极惰性气体保护焊(TIG)和埋弧焊(SAW)中使用的交流弧焊电源。 其原理、结构、功能、效果、计算方法和数据。
- Compared with the floating-point computing method, the shift-add operation is simpl. 开发了一种基于浮点编码遗传算法的模拟移动床色谱优化方法。
- Based on the experiment of sand and clay,the computing method of buoyance without seepage is analyzed. 通过对砂土和粘土的试验,研究了无渗流条件下地下结构浮力的计算方法。
- The system structure of this simplified IMU was designed, and the positioning computing method was deduced in detail. 文中设计了该简易IMU的系统结构,并经详细推导获得其导航定位解算方法。
- The computing method for the stability analysis of slopes composed of horizontal layers under seismic load is studied. 研究了地震荷载作用下水平向成层边坡稳定性分析的计算方法。
- First introduces the instability type of portal frames and educe the curt formula under each instability conditions with traditional computing methods. 首先介绍了刚架失稳类型,并用传统的计算方法得出刚架发生各失稳模式时的简略计算公式,从公式中判断出影响刚架平面内稳定的因素。
- Two computing methods monopulse detection probability are verified, and the concerted conclusion for both is obtained in the paper. 摘要雷达检测概率是评估雷达系统效能的重要指标,一般分为单脉冲检测概率和多脉冲检测概率。
- To solve the problem about multi-map systemic error correction in regional geochemical exploration, a computing method based on the least squares methods is developed. 为解决区域化探中的多图幅系统误差校正问题,提出了一种最小二乘准则下的计算方法。
- Two concepts of angular glint are explained as well as the computation methods. 摘要解释了角闪烁的两种物理概念及其计算方法;
- The results are found more conservative as compared with the Netherland computing method in the design of the layer thickness for slope protection. 本文对于如何合理确定风速、风向和吹程给出一些建议,文中同时介绍了荷兰采用的干砌石护坡面层的设计方法,相比之下,我国采用的砌石护坡面层设计厚度略偏于安全。
- In the article the author discussed the decomposable judgment of input - output medel and the two computing methods of seeking of seeing lanntief inverse spuare matrix. 讨论了投入产出模型可分解的判定及列昂惕夫逆阵的两种算法。
- Although the computing method of profit margin is very simple in the abstract,but in fact it's very involuted to put into operation. 虽然理论上利润率的计算方法很简单,但实际操作起来是很复杂的。