- Although the research history of pattern classification techniques is quite long, users require for more accurate classification result and more smaller computing load now. 虽然模式分类技术的研究历史比较长,但随着遥感技术的发展,用户的要求也越来越高,不断需要遥感模式分类技术能够提供更好的结果,同时也促进了模式分类技术的发展。
- This not only cuts off the numble of variats and the computing load,but also perfects optimum design for shearing mechanism in shearing machine further. 分析滚筒式飞剪机不同传动方案对飞剪机下空心轴套传动齿轮受力状况的影响,对飞剪机剪切机构和下偏心主轴进行受力分析。
- "Distributed computing",in contrast,refers to hardware designs that facilitate spreading the computing load over multiple communicating computers. 相反,“分布式计算”是指硬件设计实现了把计算负担分散到多个能通信的计算机上。
- "Distributed computing", in contrast, refers to hardware designs that facilitate spreading the computing load over multiple communicating computers. 相反,“分布式计算”是指硬件设计,它实现了把计算负担分散到多个能通信的计算机上。
- To reduce the computational load, these multiple linear models are then used as prediction equations in an MPC framework. 为求减轻计算负荷,在模式预测控制架构中,上述之多重模式即可作为预测方程式来计算程序未来的输出值。
- A simple model of atmosphere is described for reducing computation load and economizing the EMS memory. 为了减少计算量、节省内存的使用,建立了近似的大气模型。
- In this paper,computational load is reduced by introducing subspace during solvin... 通过理论分析,表明利用子空间方法的解的计算结果准确且效率较高。
- In the practice programme process,we adopt a series of available programme methods in order to reduce computational load. 在实际编程过程中,采取了一系列有效的编程措施减少了算法的运算量。
- The three parameters can be used in parameter estimation of disturbances with lower computational load and characteristic of being better anti-noised. 这3个特征量可 对扰动进行参数估计,且计算量小、抗噪性强。
- The computational load in Matching Pursuit (MP) of images is very huge, and this is the main drawback with MP of images. 摘要稀疏分解在图像处理中应用的关健障碍之一是图像稀疏分解速度十分缓慢。
- The simulation shows that the model reduces the effect of FD,improves the performance of TDOA estimation and decreases the computational load. 仿真结果显示:该模型消除了频差的影响,提高了时差测量精度和速度。
- In the direct implementation, the formulation of the time-scaling and time-varying signal takes much computational load and its formulation accuracy affects the AAF performance. 该模糊函数在直接计算时,时间尺度变化的宽带信号计算需要大的运算量,其计算精度直接影响了模糊函数的性能。
- Compared with present GMTI approaches, the new one has many advantages, only single channel antenna, low cost, less computation load, compatible with SAR mode, etc. 与多通道GMTI方法相比较,此方法具有只需一副单通道天线,处理方法简单,运算量小,可与合成孔径雷达工作模式兼容等诸多优势。
- The results show that the proposed method can improve the imaging quality of ISAR significantly at the cost of not too much additional computation load. 仿真数据和外场实测数据的处理结果都表明,该文方法能显著改善逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)的成像质量,且运算量增加不多。
- Bind down the ropes around the load on the lorry. 把绕在卡车上货物外面的绳子扎紧。
- I'd like to try my hand at computing. 我想试试我的计算机运算技术。
- She will not shove the heavy load onto others. 她不愿意把重担推给别人。
- The act of counting or computing. 计算数或计算的行为
- If your computer loads all the way up to mup.sys then your HDD has to be working. 草泥马平日顽强地生活在荒茫而美丽的马勒戈壁上(因为草泥马是主要物种,所以马勒戈壁又叫草泥马戈壁)。
- The computing machine in which no software is installed. 其中尚未安装任何软件的计算机。