- It analyzed characteristic of the computer base map commonly used in the present and introduced the prospect of blueprinting paper in our country. 该文对我国晒图纸的前景和当前普遍采用电脑底图的特点,进行了分析,并对提高分辨力的实验作了详细叙述。
- Why do you need a PTW Computer Based Training Program? 为什么您需要工作许可证电脑培训课程?
- By means of authorware on windows platform,how to develop the CAI teaching software for computer base of university with vividness,beautification and effectiveness. 本文讲述了在Windows平台上;如何利用多媒体著作工具Authorware开发出图文并茂、形象生动、美观实用的《大学计算机基础》cai教学软件.
- Nikos Drakos, Computer BASEd Learning Unit, UniversITy of Leeds. 作者:佚名技巧来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2005-11-26
- On the base of adequate study on the properties and control method of walking-robot, we designed a control system of sir~le-chip computer based on DistributedControl Theory. 在对步行式机器人的特点和控制方法充分研究的基础上,研制出了分布式单片微型计算机控制系统。
- A term to denote information in a computer based message system that is available to all authorized users. 此术语泛指以计算机为基础的讯息系统的信息,所有被认可的用户都可以收到。
- In a brief, Computer Based Interlocking is a automatic control system by computer technology in railway industry. 简单地说,计算机联锁就是由计算机技术构成的车站信号自动控制系统。
- Unbelievably, it happened every day similarily after the very time that I finished the computer based test. 无法相信的是在考完计算机基础考试之后,类似之事天天发生。
- Watson Research Center started work on a computer based on concept developed by John Cocke. 他们特别需要降低硬件价格和提高性能。
- Does electronical computer based on microprocessors made of silicon chip come to an end? 以硅片微处理器为核心的电子计算机要走到尽头了吗?
- The authorization data is issued by a server that belongs to the trusted computing base of the system and is considered secure in its administrative domain. 授权数据是由那些属于系统中可信计算基础的服务器颁发的,因此在它所管理的域中可以认为是安全的。
- Compatible with any computer based non-linear or linear editor with DVD-ROM drive. 兼容的非线性或非线性编辑与DVD-ROM驱动器的任何计算机。
- Jones, M., 1993, Guidelines for screen design and user interface design in computer based learning environment, GA, UGA:Thesis. 杜在国(民85),自动仓储模型建立与系统优化,国立成功大学,机械工程研究所硕士论文
- English language requirements for this course are IELTS 6.0 or TOEFL 560 with a TWE of 4, or Computer Based TOEFL: 220.. 本课程的英语语言能力要求为:雅思6.;0或托福560分(英语写作成绩为4),或电脑托福成绩220分。
- Therefore, the reform of computer basis teaching should be conducted imperatively, so as to guide students to understand the computer test correctly. 因此,要进行计算机基础教学改革,引导大学生正确认识计算机等级考试。
- This paper describes the influence of modern information technology on education and the prob-lem been in the course of Computer Basis. 本文描述了现代信息技术对教育的影响及“计算机基础”课程普遍存在的问题,指出传统的教育模式已不适应信息社会的需要。
- Combining the characteristic of the technical development of navigation, this paper designs a strapdown inertial navigation computer based on DSP. 摘要结合现代导航技术发展的特点,设计了一种基于DSP的捷联惯性导航计算机。
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷贝是出现在纸上、印刷上或图表上的电脑输出。
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。
- Research, design, and develop computer based software systems for hand-held automotive test equipment, peripherals and software test equipment. 研究、设计和开发基于计算机的手持式汽车检测仪,外围设备的软件系统。