- The compressive structure mainly includes base-involved structure (back thrust pattern and thrust pattern), imbricate duplex structure and cover-slipped structure. 压缩构造样式主要包括背冲式和冲断式基底卷入型构造、叠瓦状双重构造和冲隆式盖层滑脱构造;
- Compressive structural provinces contain complex trap-forming structures, which are not well imaged on seismic data. 挤压构造区块中含有复杂的形成圈闭的构造,根据地震资料无法很好的勾勒其图象。
- An intensive compressive structural stress field resulted from thrust existed in Caspian and Aral sea regions controlled the locations of oil, gas and deposits. 通过逆冲推覆构造确定里海和咸海地区一期强烈的挤压应力场与油气及矿床的定位密切相关。
- The two halves of the structure didn't marry up. 该结构的两部分未配合好。
- High winds put great stress on the structure. 大风作用于该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力。
- Exploration and development geologists and geophysicists or anyone requiring knowledge of compressional structural geology and balancing. 勘探开发地质师,地球物理学家以及需要了解挤压构造地质学及平衡法的任何人员。
- The structure had keeled over in the high winds. 那座建筑物让大风给刮倒了。
- A fan-shaped anatomical structure. 扇形器官扇形的解剖结构
- The compression and extension appear alternatively, associated Compression structures and extensional structures developed alternatively in the process. 在这一构造演化过程中,挤压作用和伸展作用交替出现,挤压构造和伸展构造间互发育。
- A secluded structure, such as a bower, in a garden. 凉亭一种在花园中建造的隐蔽性建筑物,如凉亭
- The microscopic structure of tissue. 组织机构组织的微观结构
- We visited the museum, a steel and glass structure. 我们参观了博物馆,它是一座钢和玻璃的建筑物。
- We know a lot about the structure of genes now. 如今我们对基因的结构有了较多的了解。
- The Parthenon is a magnificent structure. 帕台农神庙是一座宏伟的建筑物。
- The structure of the sentence is strange. 这个句子的结构很奇怪。
- The backbone is an articulate structure. 脊椎骨是一种关节相连的结构。
- It is impossible to compress the story of the First World War into a few pages. 把第一次世界大战的事缩写成几页是不可能的。
- A collecting structure in the kidney. 肾总管,肾盂肾中的集合结构
- Dayangshu Basin experienced multistage deformations, which is characterized mainly by extensional structures, and was superimposed by compressional structures and positive inversion structures. 大杨树盆地经历了多期变形作用,具有以伸展构造为主、并被挤压构造和反转构造叠加的构造特征。
- A limb terminating in such a structure. 末端有这种构造的肢体