- Comprehensive art education with(drama) included must be carried out as it is the orientation for the reform of the world artistic education. 应开展包括戏剧教育在内的综合艺术教育,这是世界艺术教育改革的方向。
- Last but not least, the paper considers the comprehensive art education as the chief approach of the fostering process of children’s artistic synesthesia. 首先,论述了艺术通感对于儿童身心健康成长的意义,接着提出并阐释了综合艺术教育是培育儿童艺术通感的主要途径。
- The art education of different categories and the comprehensive art education have respective and different goals,but their co-existence and mergence have become the historical necessity. 综合艺术教育本科专业的建设可吸收借鉴历史的、现实的、外来的多种经验。
- comprehensive art education 艺术素质教育
- Popular aerobics is a comprehensive art which has all kinds of functions reflected by aesthetic judgment body building, entertainment and education. 大众健美操是一门综合艺术,具有多种功能,主要体现在审美、身、乐、育等方面。
- Reston, VA: The National Art Education Association. 台北:冠学出版社。
- Yuncheng future e-schools, computer technology are therefore one of education and art education of comprehensive, closed-end municipal focus full-time secondary school. 运城未来电子学校,是一所以计算机技术教育和美术教育为主的综合性、封闭式的全日制市级重点中等专业学校。
- The new children's Park is intended for the art education. 这个新的儿童公园是为了艺术教育而设的。
- Application Designing Scheme of Apple System in Art Education. 苹果系统在艺术教育领域的应用方案。
- EFLAND,Postmodern Art Education, America: NAEA,1996. 黄壬来编,艺术与人文,台北:桂冠出版社,2002。
- A., University of Illinois-Champaign, Art Education, U.S.A. 美国伊利诺大学 艺术教育研究所 硕士 M.
- Shifts in time and space in film, a comprehensive art in this regard, are of great potential because they contain the profundity of indigenous culture. 摘要电影作为时间与空间的综合艺术,时间的流变和空间的转换在电影中都有着无穷的潜力,且这种流变与转换携带着深厚的本土文化蕴涵。
- National Standards for Arts Education .Reston. 小学校学习指导要领解说-音乐编。
- Dadi Gallery is a comprehensive art institution and artist combo which mostly of Realism oil painting works of Contemporary Chinese Art. 大地画廊是当代中国中、青年油画家以现实主义画风为主脉的画家联合体。
- China drama is well known as a comprehensive art for its abstractive and stylize performance way contrary to its integrity and audience consciousness. 中国戏剧作为一门综合艺术,其虚拟性和程式化表演方式是尽人皆知的,但完整性及观众意识,却鲜为人提及。
- With the atmosphere of sutra streamers and Mani stones, Seda Tibetan Drama is a comprehensive art form of folk songs and dance. (男)越过飘扬的经幡,跨过静静的玛尼,如空气般临罩在天空。
- What can we do that Children art education to become a good present? 儿童美术教育怎样才能成为好的礼物?
- Art education has the function of promoting students overall development. 艺术教育具有促进学生全面发展的功能。
- Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) is a non profit, comprehensive art center founded in Beijing by collectors Guy and Myriam Ullens in November 2007. 尤伦斯当代艺术中心是一座非盈利的综合艺术中心,由收藏家尤伦斯夫妇出资建造,2007年11月正式开幕。
- The so-called art education in the University was just like a torii of a whore. 这些所谓地大学艺术教育正象一个婊子的牌坊。