- Pinnate Describing a compound leaf with leaflets (pinnae) arranged in two rows,one on each side of the midrib(flowering plants,e.g.Vicia) or of a central stalk (ferns,e.g, dryopteris) . 羽状的:指具有排成两列的羽片的复叶,羽片排列在主脉(显花植物,如蚕豆)或叶轴(蕨类,如鳞毛蕨属)的两边。
- Any of several plants having palmately compound leaves with five leaflets, such as the cinquefoil. 有掌状裂叶(或花冠)的植物有掌状的含五片小叶的复叶的几种植物中的一种,例如委陵菜
- compound leaves with leaflets 具有三个小叶的复叶
- Any of several plants having palmately compound leaves with five leaflets,such as the cinquefoil. 有掌状裂叶(或花冠)的植物有掌状的含五片小叶的复叶的几种植物中的一种,例如委陵菜
- A plant (Baptisia australis) of the southeast United States, having compound leaves with three leaflets and deep blue or purplish flowers. 紫穗槐:美国东南部的一种植物(赝靛属蓝花赝靛),有三片叶子组成的复合叶并长有深蓝和紫色的花
- A southern African herb (Oxalis pes-caprae) having umbels of bright yellow flowers and compound leaves with three leaflets. 百慕达酢浆草:一种南非草本植物(百慕达酢浆草酢浆草属),有鲜黄色的伞形花和三片叶组成的复叶
- A southern African herb(Oxalis pes-caprae) having umbels of bright yellow flowers and compound leaves with three leaflets. 百慕大酢浆草:一种南非草本植物(百慕大酢浆草酢浆草属),有鲜黄色的伞形花和三片叶组成的复叶
- A shrub (Amorpha fruticosa) of eastern North America, having compound leaves with numerous leaflets and long clusters of purplish flowers. 假木蓝:北美洲东部的(紫穗槐属紫穗槐)灌木,有由许多叶片组成的复合叶和长串的紫花
- Any of numerous plants of the genus Oxalis,having often cloverlike compound leaves with three leaflets and variously colored flowers that are usually clustered in umbels. 酢浆草,属任一种酢浆草属的植物,经常有混合的三叶状的复叶,附有三片小叶,有各色的花通常集聚在伞状花序上。
- Any of several Old World plants of the genus Melilotus in the pea family,having compound leaves with three leaflets and narrow racemes of small white or yellow flowers. 草木犀植物,产于东半球的各种豆科草木犀属植物,生有具三片叶的复叶,长有白色或黄色的小花,成狭窄型腋生总状花序。
- Any of numerous plants of the genus Oxalis, having often cloverlike compound leaves with three leaflets and variously colored flowers that are usually clustered in umbels. 酢浆草属任一种酢浆草属的植物,经常有混合的三叶状的复叶,附有三片小叶,有各色的花通常集聚在伞状花序上
- Any of several Old World plants of the genus Melilotus in the pea family, having compound leaves with three leaflets and narrow racemes of small white or yellow flowers. 草木犀植物产于东半球的各种豆科草木犀属植物,生有具三片叶的复叶,长有白色或黄色的小花,成狭窄型腋生总状花序
- A southwest Asian perennial herb(Medicago sativa)having compound leaves with three leaflets and clusters of usually blue - violet flowers.It is widely cultivated as a pasture and hay crop. 苜蓿,紫苜蓿一种亚洲西南部多年生草本植物(苜蓿),其复叶由三小叶构成,花簇通常为蓝紫色的。它作为牧草和干草而被广泛种植
- Any of various Mediterranean shrubs of the genus Cytisus in the pea family,especially C. Scoparius,having mostly compound leaves with three leaflets and showy,usually bright yellow flowers. 金雀花一种地中海豆科金雀花属灌木,尤指金雀花,大都生有三片叶子组成的复叶,通常开艳丽的亮黄色花朵。
- A Eurasian climbing annual vine(Pisum sativum) cultivated in all temperate zones,having compound leaves with terminal leaflets modified into tendrils and globose,edible seeds enclosed in a green,elongated pod. 豌豆属植物,一种欧亚大陆的一年生爬藤植物(豌豆),栽植于所有温带地区,具有顶生小叶片的复叶,复叶变成卷须和包在绿色的长荚中的球状可食用种子。
- A Eurasian climbing annual vine(Pisum sativum)cultivated in all temperate zones, having compound leaves with terminal leaflets modified into tendrils and globose, edible seeds enclosed in a green, elongated pod. 豌豆属植物一种欧亚大陆的一年生爬藤植物(豌豆),栽植于所有温带地区,具有顶生小叶片的复叶,复叶变成卷须和包在绿色的长荚中的球状可食用种子
- Rose is a plant with compound leaves. 玫瑰是复叶植物。
- Any of various Mediterranean shrubs of the genus Cytisus in the pea family, especially C. Scoparius, having mostly compound leaves with three leaflets and showy, usually bright yellow flowers. 金雀花:一种地中海豆科金雀花属灌木,尤指金雀花,大都生有三片叶子组成的复叶,通常开艳丽的亮黄色花朵
- She had 500 envelopes to stuff with leaflets. 她得在500个信封里装上传单。
- Any of various Mediterranean shrubs of the genusCytisus in the pea family. especially C. Scoparius. having mostly compound leaves with three leaflets and showy. usually bright yellow flowers. 金雀花:一种地中海豆科金雀花属灌木.;尤指金雀花