- The composition of the report took two months. 写这份报告花了两个月时间。
- He dipped into the bag and brought out a handful of sample wheat. 他把手伸进袋里,取出一把小麦样品。
- Owing to the difficulty of sampling beneath the deep oceans, the composition of the oceanic crust is not known with complete certainty. 由于在深海底下取样困难,海洋地壳的组成就不完全确知。
- The structure and composition of samples were analysed by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectra. 用卢瑟福背散射、X射线衍射和喇曼光谱法分析样品的成份及结构。
- The mineral composition of a sample of igneous rock. 火成岩样品的矿物构成
- The purification technology of Mg-Mn alloy sacrificial anode was studied and electrochemical properties and chemical composition of samples were tested. 通过高电位镁阳极的熔铸及成型工艺中的净化技术研究,对试验样品进行了化学成分和电化学性能测试。
- After chemical assay, we have known the composition of the ore. 经过化学分析,我们知道了矿石的构成。
- Specifies a set of sample headers for this browser. 指定此浏览器的一组示例标头。
- Is a text file with a few lines of sample data. 是包含几行示例数据的文本文件。
- Fertilizers modify the composition of herbage. 肥料可改变牧草的组成。
- The ratio of sample size to population size. 抽样规模与人口规模的比率。
- Tin enters into the composition of pewter. 锡是白的成分之一。
- Enclosed please find a set of sample sheets. 请查收。
- I shall be glad to receive a fresh supply of sample as promise when the traveler reaches the town. 当推销员到达时,如能按照约定的新样品,得到供货,则不胜感谢。
- The changing composition of the electorate. 有改变的选举团组织
- Based onthe discriminant founctions for the chemical compositions of bodies and glazes, the dynasty of samples can be deter-mined. 综合胎、釉判别函数的判别时效,可较明确地推断未知样品的所属朝代。
- The overall composition of the picture is good but some of the detail are distract. 这幅画的构图不错,但有些细微处稍嫌喧宾夺主。
- He likes the composition of this picture. 他喜欢这幅画的构图。
- We are sending you a full range of sample covering this commodity. 我们准备寄给您该产品的全套样品。