- composite sliding mode control 复合滑模控制
- A strategy for integral separation PID sliding mode control is proposed. 摘要提出一种积分分离PID滑模控制策略。
- The Application of Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control in Network Congestion Control P. 模糊滑模控制在网络拥塞控制中的应用。
- The results show that the fuzzy sliding mode control method in the slip ratio control of ABS is valid. 结果表明,模糊滑模控制方法在ABS的滑移率控制中是切实有效的。
- This thesis presents the application of the sliding mode control to the magnetic amplifier (magamp) post regulator. 本论文提出应用滑动模式控制于磁放大后级稳压器上。
- Then the sliding mode control will be constructed on the feedback linearized system to against the model uncertainties. 藉著对本系统的非线性磁力模型仔细的校准,使得我们可以精确的表达出实际的系统模型。
- And about the control theory, the sliding mode control has better adaptability and application. 就控制理论而言,滑模控制具有较强的鲁棒性和应用性。
- C.Edwards and S.K. Spurgeon. Sliding Mode Control: Theory and Application. Taylor &Francis, 1998. 李岩等.;异步电机滑模直接转矩控制器的设计
- Orlov Y V, Utkin V I. Sliding mode control in indefinite-dimensional systems[J]. Automatica,1987, 23(6): 753-757. 郑立辉;冯珊;潘德惠.;描述群体消费者行为的分布参数系统方法[J]
- Adaptive sliding mode control (ASMC) method was applied in satellite antenna tracking and pointing servo system. 摘要将自适应滑模变结构方法应用于卫星天线跟踪指向控制伺服系统。
- The pendulum angle and weighting coefficient of sliding mode control are partiallyinput and output of the fuzzy logical. 倒立摆摆杆角度作为模糊逻辑系统的输入,输出为滑模控制器的加权系数。
- Based on sliding mode control and adaptive control technique, system ban any initial state can droved into a eliding mode plane. 利用自适应滑模控制策略,直接克服系统不确定性的影响,保证了从任意初始位置出发的系统在有限时间内到滑模面;
- The robust stabilization approach is provided based on combining sliding mode control with stabilization strategy of nonholonomic kinematics system. 基于滑模控制思想及非完整运动学系统的镇定策略,给出了该类系统的鲁棒镇定方法。
- The dissertation will introduced to design a extended system which is no chattering by using lmi and sliding mode control. 本文结合线性矩阵不等式的方法,设计具有强健性与无颤震的顺滑控制应用于压电驱动平台。
- Vadim I. Utkin, “Sliding Mode Control Design Principles and Applications to Electric Drives,” IEEE Trans. On Ind Electronics, Vol 40,No.1,Feb 1993. 高旭佳,“向量控制感应马达驱动系统电脑辅助设计,”硕士论文,国立台湾科技大学电机工程技术研究所,民国88年7月。
- A new continuous sliding mode control algorthm has been developed by combining Variable structure Systems (VSS) and Lyapunov design. 摘要通过对滑模系统和李雅普诺夫定理的综合,设计了一种新连续滑模控制方法。
- Firstly, under the condition that the nonlinear dynamic function of the systems is estimable and bounded, sliding mode control law is presented. 首先,在系统的非线性动态函数满足可估计和有界两个基本假设的条件下,给出了此类系统基于非线性动态函数估计的一般滑模控制律设计。
- The task in this thesis is the steering of one of Saab Bofors Dynamics robots using Sliding Mode Control, a method they never used before. 本论文中,吾人对于未知之非线性系统提出辅以类神经网路机制的适应定期滑动模式控制器。
- E. Baily and A. Arapotathis,”Simple sliding mode control scheme applied to robot manioulator”, Int. J. Control, vol.45,pp.1197-1209,1987. 施文凯,”应用基因-模糊控制于气压-压电精密定位伺服系统之研究”,国立台湾科技大学工程技术所自动化及控制学程硕士论文,2001
- Because of the MTAUV has multiple thrusters and rudders, the multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) sliding mode control is introduced. 三、针对基于多推进器自主水下航行器,引入了多输入多输出滑模变结构控制理论;