- The fully qualified name of the base component class. 基组件类的完全限定名。
- The base component class already implements this interface. 基组件类已实现此接口。
- Component parameters may also be bound using the Component annotation inside the component class. 组件参数也可以在组件类里通过组件标注绑定。
- To declare a new component class, add a class declaration to the component's unit file. 声明新组件类,需在组件单元文件添加类声明。
- An instance of a type derived from the Component class to register with the client application. 派生自Component类的类型的实例,将向客户端应用程序注册该实例。
- This allows you to make fairly significant changes to a component class even while the application continues to run. 这允许你对组件类做出相当大的改变,即使应用仍在运行。
- Create a variable whose datatype is the queued interface from which the queued component class is derived. 创建一个变量,该变量的数据类型是派生排队组件类的排队接口。
- The following table shows some of the available component classes. 下表显示了一些可用的组件类。
- Component classes are monitored for changes by the framework. 组件类的改变是被框架监听的。
- If a component class is a subclass of another component class, then it inherits that base class' message catalog. 如果一个组件类是另一个组件类的子类,那么它继承那个基类的信息目录。
- You may specify additional parameters inside the component template, but parameters in the component class take precendence. 我们可以在组件模板中指定其他的参数,但是组件类里的参数优先。
- The Application object provides the init, load, and unload events, and it inherits the disposing and propertyChanged events from the base Component class. Application对象提供init、load和unload事件,它从Component基类继承disposing和propertyChanged事件。
- In the Netherlands, the component class 2, which is defined for non fail-safe components, shall be used for all components unless further verification is given. 在荷兰,除非有更多的证书,用于定义非自动防故障部件的部件等级2级,将被分应用于所有组成部件。
- If you change a property file in a message catalog, you'll see the change immediately, just as with component classes and component templates. 如果你在信息目录中更改了一个属性文件,你将立刻看到改变。就像组件类和组件模板一样。
- Kindly send us two samples of each class quote for. 报价时,请对每一个等级的各寄两个样品。
- The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. 本班男生的平均年龄是十五岁。
- Henry is nowhere when it comes to the race for class president. 亨利在竞选级长中被远远抛在后面。
- She got cold feet when asked to recite in class. 当她被叫起来在班上背诵时害怕了。
- She was kept in for an hour for talking in class. 她因上课说话被罚留校一小时。
- The students in our class number thirty. 我班总共有三十名学生。