- complex type drive 复合驱动
- For this complex type and its base type. 获取该复杂类型及其基类型的。
- This property is only valid in a complex type. 该属性仅在复杂类型中有效。
- Complex type will now look exactly like what you had seen earlier. 复杂类型看起来就跟您之前看到的完全一样了。
- These attributes appear only within complex type definitions. 这些属性仅出现在复杂类型定义中。
- For the complex type where the mixed content is introduced. 适用于引入混合内容的复杂类型。
- Electromagnetic movable coil control rod drive mechanism is a new type drive mechanism. 可移动线圈电磁驱动机构是一种新型的反应堆控制棒驱动机构。
- Extension is always used to derive complex types. 扩展总是用来派生复杂类型。
- Provides the name of the class that corresponds to the complex type. 提供与复杂类型对应的类的名称。
- Arm pneumatic type driving, simple construction, trouble free. 臂气压式驱动构造简单、故障机率少。
- This feature includes the marshaling of complex types. 此功能包括复杂类型的封送处理。
- The base class for all simple types and complex types. 所有简单类型和复杂类型的基类。
- As a new type drive system with high ratio of performance to price and its own special characteristics, SRD is attached broadly importance in the world and its application forecast is very extensive. 开关磁阻电动机调速系统作为一种性能价格比较高的新型调速系统,在国内外得到了普遍重视,应用前景十分广泛。
- Define a complex type to wrap the value type and set the complex type to be null to indicate a null value. 定义一个复杂类型来包装值类型并通过设置复杂类型为空来表示空值。
- Definition, the name becomes the name of the class that corresponds to the complex type. 定义,则该名称会变成与复杂类型对应的类的名称。
- Gets or sets the name of the key that this constraint refers to in another simple or complex type. 获取或设置键的名称(此约束在另一个简单或复杂的类型中引用)。
- Bring forward researchful content and clue of direct drive multiple axes rotary spindle head for CNC milling machine by torque motor that is a new type driving technique. 提出了力矩电动机直接驱动五轴联动数控铣床双摆头这一新型驱动技术的研究内容和研究思路。
- It restricts the contents of the complex type to a subset of the inherited complex type. 它将复杂类型的内容限制为继承的复杂类型的子集。
- The data type does not need to be the base complex type for the schema to be valid, as explained later in this topic. 要使架构有效,该数据类型不必是基复杂类型,本主题稍后将对此进行说明。
- Including the unnamed complex type defines the element to be a relational table. 包含未命名复杂类型会将元素定义为关系表。