- Completion of an ordered set 有序集的完备化
- Cancellation of an order or command. 收回成命; 撤消命令对定货或命令的取消
- The median of an ordered set is an element such that the number of elements less than the median is within one of the number that are greater,assuming no ties.. how to translate and understand? 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!
- Lanser stopped in the middle of an order. 兰塞在发布命令中忽然停了下来。
- Whatever amount of an order from you is welcomed. 不管你们订购多少数量,我们都欢迎。
- What's minimum quantity of an order of your goods? 订单客人询问最小单数量?
- Date of entry of an order in the system. 系统内对某个命令插入的日期。
- Whatever amount of an order from you is welcome. 赵: 不管你们订购多少数量,我们都欢迎。
- The minimum quantity of an order. 起订数量。
- Lanser stopped in e middle of an order. 兰塞在发布命令中忽然停了下来。
- What is the minimum quantity of an order for your goods? 购买你方产品的起订数量是多少?
- A time limit,as for payment of a debt or completion of an assignment. 最后期限时间限制,如对债务的偿还或任务的完成。
- Used to express the sudden occurrence of an event or completion of an action. 看吧!嘿!用于表达活动中突然出现的结果或结局
- A time limit, as for payment of a debt or completion of an assignment. 最后期限:时间限制,如对债务的偿还或任务的完成。
- (statistics) Relating to or constituting the middle value of an ordered set of values (or the average of the middle two in an even-numbered set). (统计学)关于或构成一列整齐数列的中位数的(或偶数列的中间两个的平均值的)。
- Full completion of the project is set for August31. 定于8月31全面完成这项工程。
- An interrupt that occurs independently of the processor such as upon completion of an input/output operation. 不受处理机制约而产生的一种中断,例如输入输出操作一旦完成而产生的中断。
- Conferral or receipt of an academic degree or diploma marking completion of studies. 毕业对学位或毕业证书的授予或接受,其标志着学习的结束
- The goods will be dispatched on receipt of an order form. 订单一到即发货。