- What we ask is: carry out firm revolutionary policies and strive for complete victory in the bourgeois-democratic revolution. 我们的要求是实行坚决的革命政策,争取资产阶级民主革命的彻底胜利。
- All select and then calculate victory in the provision time, then get into on close, you needed three the passes then can acquire complete victory. 在规定时间内全部选出就算胜利,然后进入下一关,你需要过三关才能获得完全胜利。
- But such attacks have only just begun,and there can be no thorough overthrow of all three until the peasants have won complete victory in the economic struggle. 但是这种进攻,现在到底还在“开始”,要完全推翻这三项,还要待农民的经济斗争全部胜利之后。
- But such attacks have only just begun, and there can be no thorough overthrow of all three until the peasants have won complete victory in the economic struggle. 但是这种进攻,现在到底还在“开始”,要完全推翻这三项,还要待农民的经济斗争全部胜利之后。
- Liberals sweep to victory in divided Canada. 加国选举,自由党大获全胜。
- The brilliant military victories of Fly-Tiger Group of not only helped China to retake the air domination but helped to bring about the complete victory in the war zone of China. 由于“飞虎队”的辉煌战绩,不仅帮助中国军民夺回了制空权,还有务地促成中国战场全面胜利。
- The team notched up their third victory in a row. 该队连续三次获胜。
- Our army won victory in the first battle. 这个战役,我军旗开得胜。
- Our team came near winning a complete victory. 我们队几乎获全胜。
- The officers led their men to victory in battle. 军官们率领士兵在战斗中取得了胜利。
- Our fate now depended upon victory in the air. 我们的命运现在取决于能否赢得空战的胜利。
- MacArthur called for a total victory in Korea. 麦克阿瑟号召在朝鲜取得完全的胜利。
- England won a hands-down victory in the tournament. 英格兰队轻易获胜。
- This is,so to speak,a victory in the first round. 这可以说是第一个回合中的胜利。
- They are determined to bring their struggle to complete victory. 他们决心斗争到取得彻底胜利。
- They were determined to carry the war to complete victory . 他们决心战斗到取得彻底胜利。
- His victory in the tournament earned him $50000. 他在这次锦标赛中获胜,挣得了5万元。
- We are ready to fight right up to the moment of complete victory. 我们准备一直战斗到取得完全的胜利。
- She is confident of victory in Saturday's final. 她对在星期六决赛中取得胜利充满信心。
- They raced to a thrilling victory in the relay. 他们在接力赛中取得了激动人心的胜利。