- People in Benezet’s buried up to a church, at this time, Benezet Bridge as a whole was able to complete construction. 人们又在贝内泽的埋葬地竖起一个教堂,到此时,贝内泽桥的整体建筑才得以完整。
- Fat can protect water from vaporizing easily, and protein offers a complete construction for this. 脂肪可以保护水分不易被蒸发。蛋白质结构提供一个完整构造。
- Wedge: I'm so proud of us. I didn't think we'd complete construction on the south ocean underpass in anything less than a megacycle. 我真为我们骄傲.;我几乎不敢相信我们已经在不到一兆周的时间里完成了南大洋地下通道的所有工程
- Many Chinese realtors sell units in their unfinished buildings but instead of using the funds to complete construction they plough them into new projects. 很多中国房地产经纪人出售还未完成的楼盘获得资金,但他们并不投入这些资金去完成楼盘的建设,而是去投资新的房产项目。
- Amun before Jianyu Ming Hongwu 1922 (1378 AD), is in Gansu and Qinghai border many Chieftain save the most complete construction of a palace-style buildings. 衙门始建于明洪武十一年(公元1378年),是甘、青边境众多土司建筑中保存最完整的一座宫殿式建筑群。
- The shuttles, which began flying in 1981, are due to be retired next year after six more flights to complete construction of the International Space Station. 在1981年就开始飞行的航天飞机在飞行六次以上完成国际空间站的建造之后顺利退休。
- During the meeting, he voiced the determination of Xiamen government to begin to construct the polyclinic as early as March 2009, and to complete construction before the end of 2009. 厦门市副市长潘世建会见郑美乐总领事及在闽新加坡团体代表.;会上;潘副市长表明厦门市政府的决心;项目将于2009年3月开始动工;年底前完工
- Spanish cellulose pulp manufacturer, ENCE, is holding talks with four companies in an attempt to find a partner to complete construction of its cellulose mill in Conchillas, Colonia. 一家叫做ENCE的西班牙粘胶纤维制造商正同四家公司进行会谈,试图找到一个合作伙伴来完成其在科科洛尼亚省Conchillas镇的纸浆加工厂的建筑。
- To coordinate with relevant departments timely to finish transferring completion construction project to fixed asset. 及时与相关部室人员沟通,随时做好各项完工基建项目的转资业务。
- Group completed construction of real estate management document design packaging design. 完成建发房地产集团设计管理文件包装设计。
- Opus Dei has just completed construction of a $47 million World Headquarters at 243 Lexington Aenue in New York City. 天主事工会耗资47,000,000美元刚刚在纽约市莱克星屯大街243号建成了自己的全国总部。
- Additionally, the Shantou Science and Technology Museum, having modern facilities, completed construction and put into use in November of this year. 此外,具有现代化设施的汕头科技馆已于今年十一月竣工投入使用。
- Gilbane Building Company has completed construction on the 164,000-sf Business Instructional Facility at the University of Illinois, Champaign. 吉尔般建筑公司已完成了在香巴尼市伊利诺伊大学内的、16.;4万平方英尺的商业教学大楼的建筑施工。
- The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 新医院的全部设备需要一年才能装备好。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- The leading role is played by a complete unknown. 演主角的是一个毫无名气的演员。
- Beijing completed construction on Metro line tracks from the Capital Airport to Dongzhimen in downtown Tuesday morning, the Beijing Evening News reported. 据北京晚报报道,连接北京首都机场至北京城区的地铁线星期二上午竣工。
- This paper analyzes the existing issues with monitoring of acceptance check for completed construction projects, and proposes suggestions on countermeasures. 分析了竣工验收监测工作中存在的问题 ,提出了对策建议。
- He should complete at this moment. 此刻他应该已经完成了。
- She spoke about her fears with complete frankness. 她对自己的恐惧直言不讳。