- complementary food adding 辅食添加
- Complementary food is the additional nutrient-rich food and drink that is recommended for children from six months of life. 补充食品是从生命的六个月起为儿童推荐的营养素丰富的附加食品和饮料。
- But part of subjects felt diffcult in guiding caregivers on feeding baby patients, the amount of complementary food and fostering healthy eating behaviors. 而对要儿异常情况时的饮食、辅食的量和婴儿进食行为培养等方面,部分调查对象存在指导困难。
- The bad weather and the bad food added up to a terrible vacation. 坏天气加上劣质的食物就是一个糟糕的假期。
- After six months, they should be fed adequate and safe complementary foods while continuing breastfeeding for up to two years or beyond. 在六个月之后,应给他们喂养充足安全的补充食品,同时继续母乳喂养至两岁或两岁以后。
- His demonstrates the significant problem associated with the improper use of complementary foods in infants in the rural areas. 说明农村地区婴儿辅食添加不合理的问题十分突出。
- Complementary food fortification in China 中国婴幼儿辅助食品的强化
- Thus it is essential that infants receive appropriate, adequate and safe complementary foods to ensure the right transition from breastfeeding to the full use of family foods. 因此,极其重要的是,婴儿获得适宜、充足和安全的补充食品,以确保从母乳喂养正确过渡到完全使用家庭食品。
- Objective:A method was developed to determinate papaberine,morphine and codeine in foods adding in opium poppy husk. 目的:探讨测定掺罂粟果壳食品中罂粟碱、吗啡、可待因含量的方法。
- "Food adds solace to our lives," says Jeff Hampl, a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association. "食物给我们生活带来慰藉,"美国饮食协会发言人Jeff Hampl说。
- It is essential therefore that infants receive appropriate, adequate and safe complementary foods to ensure the right transition from the breastfeeding period to the full use of family foods. 因此,至关重要的是婴儿必须获得适当、足够和安全的补充食物以便确保正确地从母乳喂养阶段过渡到充分利用家庭食物。
- Food adds solace to our lives, says Jeff Hampl, a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association. 譬如血清素是产生好的感觉的化学物质。
- It also wants this kind of food added to children's diets to prevent malnutrition from ever happening. 而且,他们希望可以将这些食物加到儿童的饮食中以阻止营养不良再次发生。
- Adding salt to food improves the flavour. 食物中加盐可以提味。
- The flavor of food added with YE will be thicker and can make people remember this kind of food. 在添加之后,食品的风味将更加浓郁、饱满,特别令人对这种食品产生记忆。
- For example, a food added jianghuang, chrysanthmum igniarius extracta Rosa laevigata, red, Brown, red, roselie can be marked as: “ stains (102, 113, 012, 131, ” 125). 如,某食品添加了姜黄、菊花黄浸膏、诱惑红、金樱子棕、玫瑰茄红,可以标示为:“着色剂(102、113、012、131、125)”。
- When a food added two or more than two colouring agents, you can nongraphite a category name (stains), followed by parentheses, nongraphite GB/T12493 provisions of the code. 当一种食品添加了两种或两种以上着色剂,可以标示类别名称(着色剂),再在其后加括号,标示 GB/T12493 规定的代码。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?
- Salt is a common food preservative. 盐是一种常用的食物防腐剂。
- I must sally forth into town and buy my week's food. 我得赶快去城里采购一星期吃的食物。