- A set that includes a given and similar set as a subset. 子集包含一个给定的或相似的子集的集合
- Many people went in for writing, music, dramatics and similar activities. 很多人从事绘画、音乐、演剧和其他类似活动。
- They complement and harmonize with one another very well. 他们的组合和彼此的本性一致性都是很配的。
- complement and similarities 同构性与互补性
- The young of herring and similar fish. 幼鲱年幼的鲱鱼和类似的鱼
- This and similar claims are common, but untrue. 这种说法和类似的观点很普遍,但不正确。
- That might include e-commerce and similar projects. 这可能包括电子商业和类似的项目。
- As a topcoat in engine rooms and similar areas. 作为机房及类似区域的面漆。
- Should these and similar bequests be allowed? 这样或类似的遗赠应当被允许吗?
- It seems to be the complement and converse of the true social instinct. 它和真正的社会性本能的关系似乎是既相反又相成的。
- The second part: expound their different and similar. 第二部分阐释他们之间的异同,(一)中西方对待自然态度的差异。
- As a finishing coat on tank tops in engine rooms and similar areas. 作为机房及类似区域的舱顶面漆。
- And similar sectors seem to have done well or poorly. 类似的行业似乎都做得好或不好。
- The screw-holding of WPC was better and similar to hard wood. 塑木复合材料握钉力较好,与硬质木材比较相似;
- The clothing category also includes jewelry and similar baubles. 服饰大类也包括珠宝与类似的小玩意。
- This work has two themes, which complement and intertwine, and finally melt into each other subtly and smoothly. 全曲在两个主题的相互对应中展开,主题旋律委婉流畅,简洁凝炼。
- Such elements include lists, forms, tables, and similar tags. 这些元素包括列表、表单和类似的标签。
- The happiness of mankind will be realized when men and women coordinate and advance equally, for each is the complement and the helpmeet for the other. 人类的幸福只有在男性和女性和谐共处,并肩前进时才能实现,因为男女两性互为补充,互为良伴。
- The products comply with GB and similar industry standards. 该产品符合国标及同类行业标准。
- The author analysis complement and perfect the theory about transaction cost of enterprises. 我们的分析补充和完善了企业的交易成本理论。