- It is understood that OFTA is working on pilot studies for a Customer Complaint Settlement Scheme (CCSS) aimed at resolving contractual disputes between communications operators and their customers. 电讯管理局现正就推行解决顾客投诉计划的试验研究作出跟进。该计划的目的在于解决通讯服务营办商与顾客之间的合约纠纷。
- If the user dissatisfies with the settlement result, or if the telecom operator fails to give him a reply within 15 working days, he may file a complaint with the complaint settlement institution. 用户对电信业务经营者的处理结果不满意或者电信业务经营者在接到投诉后15个工作日内未答复的,可以向申诉受理机构提出申诉。
- You have no real grounds for complaint. 你没有真正的理由发牢骚。
- I enclose a cheque in settlement of your account. 兹附支票一张以结清贵处帐目。
- You have no cause for complaint. 你没有理由抱怨。
- An amicable settlement was reached. 已达成和解。
- I have a complaint of the chest. 我胸部不适。
- The terms of the settlement seem just. 和解的条件似乎还公道。
- They pretend to misunderstand my complaint. 他们假装误解了我的投诉。
- Do he have good grounds for complaint? 对抱怨或投诉他有说服力的根据吗?
- Each of them rumbled out his complaint. 他们每位叽哩咕噜地抱怨。
- Can I see the manager, please? I have a complaint. 请问,我可以见经理吗?我有意见。
- I am afraid I have a complaint about the shirt. 恐怕我要说说这件衬衫的事。
- Generally speaking, it's quite a fair settlement. 大致上说,这样解决很恰当。
- Complaint is referred to several regulatory body. 投诉提交给好几个管理机构。
- Hopes of a peace settlement are now fading. 和平解决的希望逐渐消失。
- Hopes of a peaceful settlement are now fading. 和平解决的希望正在消失。
- He lodged a complaint with the manager. 他向经理提出抗议。
- Letters of complaint flooded in. 投诉的信件潮涌般寄来。
- They had the insolence to file a complaint. 他们竟蛮横地提起控诉。