- So polygyny increases competitive pressure on men, especially young men of low status. 因此,一夫多妻子增加了男性身上的竞争压力,尤其是地位低、年纪轻的男性。
- Face competitive pressure, the cupreous industry of our country must accelerate pace to do do greatly strong. 面对竞争的压力,我国的铜工业一定要加快步伐做大做强。
- But additional size, and household brand names, did not spare it from the harsh competitive pressure that GE foresaw. 但是规模增大和知名品牌并没有把它从严峻地竞争压力中解放出来,这个通用电器之前就已经预料到了。
- The controversial Californian has made vital contributions to the whole enterprise, and his competitive pressure spurred on the public project. 这位加利福尼亚人,是个备受争议的人; 但他对揭示人类基因组密码的全部事业做出了无可替代的贡献。 由他产生的竞争压力刺激了公共项目的进展。
- The controversial Californian has made vital contributions to the whole enterprise,and his competitive pressure spurred on the public project. 这位加利福尼亚人是个备受争议的人;但他对揭示人类基因组密码的全部事业做出了无可替代的贡献。由他产生的竞争压力刺激了公家研究工作的进展。
- Average selling prices (ASPs) for DRAMs continued to be under competitive pressure, declining by nearly 14 percent sequentially. DRAM的平均销售价格由于继续受到竞争的压力而相应地下降了14%25。
- Competitive pressure, premature cram the child's world, the exultation of the joy that the gout that what seeks knowledge, study still has, creation? 竞争的压力,过早地填满了孩子的世界,哪里还有什么求知的趣味、学习的快乐、创造的欢欣?”
- The intense competitive pressure means that Cheap cabal online alz individuals who succeed put all their efforts into one or two breeding seasons. 巨大的竞争压力意味着获得交配机会的动物会在两个繁殖季节中极尽全力。
- The need for rapid delivery, increased competitive pressure, and ever-changing requirements all increase the importance of quality control processes in the development lifecycle. 快速交付的需要、日益增加的竞争压力和不断变化的需求,这一切都提升了开发生命周期中品质控制过程的重要性。
- Under competitive pressure from AMD#8217;s Athlon processor, Intel also re-worked the chip internally, and finally fixed the well known instruction pipeline stalls. 在AMD Athlon处理器的竞争压力下,Intel重作晶片内部的设计,最后修正了广知的指令管线拖延问题。
- Foreign CROs and joint-venture CROs have formed a great competitive pressure on native CROs, therefore native CROs should take active measures to deal with the challenge. 外资、合资CRO对中国本土CRO构成较大的竞争压力,中国本土CRO公司应当采取积极的对策应对挑战。
- Company SHS is a private curatorial company.Facing the fierce competitive pressure and troubles in HRM, it expected to establish a normative HRM system. 公司是一家民营医药企业,在激烈的市场竞争中深感人才竞争所带来的竞争压力,面对企业人力资源管理中存在的问题,迫切需求建立规范的人力资源管理体系。
- However, analysts believe Sino-foreign firms will probably see their market share drop in the next two years, reflecting competitive pressure from big domestic rivals and growing tensions within joint ventures. 然而,分析人士认为,未来两年,中外合资公司的市场份额也许会下降,反映出大型国内公司带来的竞争压力以及合资企业之间日益紧张的局势。
- The demand, technology, spirit of entrepreneurship and competitive pressure are the motive force source that an industry innovates. Risk of industrial innovation and reason analysis. 需求、技术、企业家精神、竞争压力是产业创新的动力源泉;产业创新的风险所在和原因分析。
- Carmakers are leanly managed and operate under intense competitive pressures even in good times. 汽车制造商的管理不善,即便在光景好的时候,它们也是在顶着激烈的竞争压力运营。
- On the basis of the SCP paradigm, the competitive behavior of oligopoly firms is determined by the market structure, but based on Chicago school theory, the external competitive pressure determines their competitive behavior. 在SCP分析范式中,寡头企业的竞争行为取决于市场结构,在芝加哥学派理论中,寡头企业的竞争行为取决于外部竞争压力。
- It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability. 那是为增强我们的竞争能力而作的有计划的努力。
- With the development of industries, rivals are more and more fierce. Product life cycle shortens. Thus firms need to reply to competitive pressures from a flow of substitutes. 随着行业的发展,行业市场竞争越发激烈,产品生命周期缩短,企业需应对不断涌现的替代产品所带来的竞争压力。
- When the genome is "pulled" by competitive pressures outside its usual orbit, it must materially rearrange its patterns of linkage in order to remain stable. 当基因组受到来自其惯常轨道之外的竞争压力“拉扯”的时候,它必须从实质上重排其关联模式以便保持稳定。