- The case was referred to a competent authority. 案件已提交给有决定权的机构处理。
- If I had space I could quote numerous passages to this effect from highly competent authorities. 如果篇幅允许,我当引证有能力的权威作者对于这种效果的许多著述。
- Competent authorities of various trades shall be in charge of the product quality control in their respective systems. 各行业主管部门负责本系统的产品质量管理工作。
- Competent authorities should strengthen supervision and administration of their work in air pollution prevention. 企业主管部门应当加强对企业大气污染防治工作的监督管理。
- Certificate of origin in one original plus one copy issued by chamber of commerce or competent authorities. 由商会或有权利机构出具的一正一副原产地证。
- The State security organs, as stipulated by this Law, are the competent authorities in charge of State security. 国家安全机关是本法规定的国家安全工作的主管机关。
- Provide the competent authorities of the next port of call with the relevant information. 向下一挂靠港口的主管当局提供有关信息。
- Custom devices will now require a post-market surveillance system that is reportable to Competent Authorities. 定制设备也将需要进行售后监督并向主管当局报告.
- The contract was declared null and void by the competent authority. 主管部门宣布该合同无效。
- As to the police raid against the Aksu terror gang, competent authorities have already released information. 你提到的中国警方对阿克苏暴力团伙采取的行动,有关部门已经发布了消息。
- GSP Certificate of Origin, Form A, certifying goods of origin in China, issued by competent authorities. 该条款要求由授权机构签发普惠制原产地证明书格式A,证明货物的原产地在中国。
- Foreign investment NVOCC required of the applicant by the competent authorities, with the approval of traffic. 外商投资无船承运企业需在申请人报经交通主管部门批准后办理。
- Under the Patent Law,the competent authorities in the State Council and local people's governments have the right to establish patent offices. 根据专利法的规定,国务院有关主管部门或地方人民政府可以设立专利管理机关。
- The competent authorities shall publish a report setting forth their findings and reasoned conclusions reached on all pertinent issues of fact and law. 主管机关应公布一份报告,列出其对所有有关事实问题和法律问题的调查结果和理由充分的结论。
- Effective Date of the Contract means the date when the contract is approved by competent authorities of the respective Party's countries. 合同生效日: 本合同经双方当事人各自国家的审批机关批准之日起正式生效。
- Any exchange of information which follows from such examinations either on request or spontaneous will be made through the competent authorities. 在这种检查中应请求或自发交换的情报都要通过主管当局进行。
- The restricted navigation zones shall be announced by the competent authority. 禁航区由主管机关公布。
- Competent authorities charged with the administration of interconnected units shall carry out the annual examination of profit-making access units. 互联单位主管部门对经营性接入单位实行年检制度。
- The competent authority should prescribe the standard to be provided. 主管当局应对须达到的标准作出规定。