- The highest judicial authority resides in the Supreme Court . 最高判决权力在最高法院。
- The Governor and Council assumed full judicial authority. 地方长官和财务会掌管着全部司法权。
- The highest judicial authority resides in the Supreme Court. 最高判决权力在最高法院。
- A minor official, such as a justice of the peace, having administrative and limited judicial authority. 治安官一个低级别的官员,例如保安官,拥有行政权力和有限的司法权
- The judicial authority over civil cases is exercised by the People's Court. 民事案件的审判权由人民法院行使。
- They fear that Ms Sotomayor takes a more expansive view of judicial authority. 他们担心索托马约尔对司法权威持有一种更加扩张性的观点。
- The direct goal of our people's juror system is not only the judicial democracy, but also the judicial authority. 摘要我国人民陪审员制度的直接目的与其说是体现司法民主,还不如说是提高司法的公信力和权威性。
- These missionaries even willfully extended the extraterritoriality to Chinese converts and interfered in Chinese judicial authority. 这些传教士还肆意将“治外法权”延伸至中国信徒,干涉司法。
- The process of legally establishing the validity of a will before a judicial authority. 遗嘱检验在有法定资格的官员面前确定遗嘱的有效性的程序
- A minor official,such as a justice of the peace,having administrative and limited judicial authority. 治安官一个低级别的官员,例如保安官,拥有行政权力和有限的司法权
- Whether Law Enforcement Agency to Anti-monopoly Law Should Have Independent Judicial Authority or Not? 反垄断执法机构是否该拥有独立审判权?
- The rehearing system causes judge to be undecidedly and descends the judicial authority. 再审制度导致裁判的不确定和司法权威的下降。
- The idea and level of executing the law of judicial authority and its’ staff contuses the enthusiasm. 基于上述现象,文章认真分析了刑事证人出庭难的各种原因。
- For those who violate the criminal law, the judicial authority shall investigate and affix the criminal responsibility according to law. 触犯刑律的,依法追究刑事责任。
- Everyone hopes that the idea finds favour with the judicial authorities. 每个人都希望这个主意得到司法机关的认同。
- The attitude and actual result of compensation of the defendant finally influences . 3 The defendant criminal responsibility by the judicial authority. 被告人对于被害人损害赔偿的态度及实际赔偿的效果对司法机关最终处理被告人刑事责任方面存在决定性的影响;
- The most important foundation of the judicial authority is the mass, especially the litigant's approval and understanding. 司法公信和权威的首要基础,是人民大众尤其是具体案件当事人对司法公正的认同和理解。
- It was the judicial authority to enforce, but not to expound, fundamental law and was limited to the concededly unconstitutional act. 司法机关是执行而不是解释基本法,管辖所及也仅限于毫无疑问的违宪行为。
- An excellent civil judgement which is distinctly narrateable, strictly logical and thoroughly explicit embodys society justice and judicial authority. 一份叙事清楚、逻辑严密、说理透彻的民事判决书是实现社会正义、树立司法权威的重要体现。
- There are divinely prescribed and described offices and ecclesiastical courts with teaching, ministerial, and judicial authority. 神所制定与描绘的职事和教会法庭是存在的,它们具有教导、牧养、和司法的权柄。