- compensating mechasism [机] 补整机构
- According to requirement of aim temperature to implement compen... 按目标温度要求,进行补偿措施,有效地控制钢水温度。
- An inadequacy often calls forth compensating forces. 一种缺陷往往会产生补偿的力量。
- The one thing that's plaguing most of the mecha downside. 没有这东西使所有的机甲都不能起飞。
- I am able to set up compensating networks of nerve connections. 我能建立起补偿性的神经联系网。
- It is desirable that compensating cables be run in earthed conduit. 补偿导线最好在地下管道中穿过。
- He argued and pleaded for compensating emancipation of the slaves. 他恳请实行有补偿的奴隶解放政策。
- Kami realized blearily that he was being borne along to the clanking of mecha. 卡米朦胧地意识到自己正被哐当作响的机甲携带着前进。
- Finally, the compensating filter have been actualize in FPGA. 本文在FPGA中实现了补偿滤波器。
- Maia, head for Liberty's mecha hangar, and ditch those Shadow Fighters. 玛娅,飞往“自由”号的机械库,扔掉那些阴影战斗机。
- If the effort brings no compensating gain it is a waste. 如果努力没有带来赔偿,那就是一种徒劳。
- Stay away from all people.Only others like you, only Mecha are safe! 除了一个像你的人,只有米查是安全可靠的。
- The mecha hunted one another across Praxis, the VTs using up ordnance and fuel. 普拉西斯上遍地都是互相猎杀的机甲,变形战斗机渐渐用光了弹药和燃料。
- We're in the mecha hangar, attempting to assemble a new fighter squadron. 我们在机械库,正试图组成一个新的战斗机中队。
- Conclusion:The main causes of the disease might be of the retrogressive metamorphosis,compens... 保留脊柱后结构的髓核摘除、椎管扩大减压的手术效果是满意的。
- The effect of the turbulence of the fan convection field and the position of the wind compen... 在进行机械排烟时还应考虑风机对流场的扰动、补风口位置的影响。
- The energy flow and compensating voltage control in DVR are analyzed. 对这类装置中能量流动和补偿电压控制问题进行了分析。
- Otherwise insurance company will not be in charge of compensating for. 否则保险公司将不负责赔偿。
- Our effort serves the purpose of compensating for unworthiness and fear. 作苦功只是对于我们自我的无价值感和恐惧的弥补而已。
- Female Colleague: It occurs to me with all this animus existing against Mechas today it isn't just a que ... 影片的开始定下了这部电影的基调,当人工智能向我们表达爱的时候,是否能够收到来自人类的回应?