- A comparison of coefficient of performance (COP) of the new double-effect NH3-H2O absorption cycle was made with those of for the traditional single-effect and doublestage cycles. 热泵蒸发温度与热水入口温度越高,产生适宜出口温度的热水流量调节范围越大,出口温度相同时则系统能效比越高;
- In comparisons of this type the sole use of performance data can be misleading. 在这类比较中单使用生产性能数据就会使人误解。
- By the comparison of MIL_STD_1553B and CAN bus, the conclusion indicates that CAN bus has a higher rate of performance to price.So, CAN bus can be a good choice for the torpedo control system. 本文在第五章分析了目前在航空电子领域有着广泛应用的MIL_STD_1553B总线,并将它与CAN总线进行了详细的比较,得出CAN总线系统具有优异的性能,而且成本比1553B总线系统要低得多,是一种比较适合的选择。
- Concerning the corrosion of the urea workshop and its causes, and polychloroprene latex slurry is selected to repair the corrosive ground after the comparison of performance and prices. 摘要根据尿素包装厂房出现的腐蚀现象和产生原因确定了整改思路,经过性能和价格比较,选用性价比高的氯丁胶乳砂浆对腐蚀的地面进行维修。
- The annual environmental report should aim to provide year-on-year comparisons of performance and improvement initiatives. 每年的环保报告应提供连贯性的资料,好让读者比较机构在不同年度的表现水平和改进计划的成效。
- They set the limits of performance attainable. 它们确定着可达到的运行限度。
- We made a comparison of the two programmes. 我们把两个纲领做了比较。
- An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance. 一盎司的形象胜过一磅重的表现。
- The life was nothing in comparison of Enscombe. 这跟昂斯巩的生活不可同日而语。
- The standard of performance has gone down. 表演水平自去年以来下降了。
- A Comparison of Web Classroom Builders. 网络教室建设者比较。
- What level of performance do you expect from me? 你希望我有什么样的表现?
- They make a comparison of New York to a beehive. 他们把纽约比作一个蜂巢。
- Is there widespread use of performance related pay? 是否普遍采用绩效薪酬制?
- Comparison of compressive strength:Ceram. 压缩强度比较;Ceram.
- The best ratio of performance and price. 最优的性能价格比。
- Capable of performing sexually as a male; potent. 有性交能力的作为男性能进行性交的能力的; 有性交能力的
- Comparison of depth of curing:Ceram. 固化深度比较;Ceram.
- Performs a binary comparison of two memory images. 对两个内存映象进行二进制比较。
- His assurances led to little or nothing in the way of performance. 他没有或者很少去履行他所提出的保证。