- On basis of comparison and contrast of various retaining structures,it is determined that rowed piles should be adopted for the station. 通过对站点地面以上场地及地下地质条件的分析,以及对主体围护结构的不同方案进行比选,确定了该站点采用明挖施工方法和排桩围护结构。
- Here a comparison and contrast is initiated diachronically about the book in both Soviet Union and China, as well as its different treatments received in these two countries. 不仅以历史发展的顺序将其在两国的存在状态 进行了比较完整的研究,还把其在两国的不同命运进行比较。
- Comparison and contrast were made between a hot runner injection mould and an ordinary sprue runner injection mould for sortable garbage bin base used indoors. 对分类垃圾桶底座热流道注射模与普通流道注射模进行了比较,并对热流道系统设计过程进行了分析,对其计算和结构进行了探讨。
- Jakobson,Roman. 2002. The metaphoric and metonymic poles [ A]. In: Dirven, Rene and Ralf P? Rings (eds.). Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast[ C]. Berlin / New York:Mouton de Gruyter. 胡家峦译.;现代主义小说的语言:隐喻和转喻[A]
- comparison and contrast between English and Chinese 汉莫对比研究
- comparison and contrast of Chinese and English 汉英比较
- comparison and contrast of the ancient with the modem 古今对照
- Compare and contrast both figures. 比较两个视图。
- Compare and contrast English with Chinese. 将汉语与英语比较对比。
- Comparison and Applications of Compound Sentences. 复句对比与应用。
- Are the comparison and Boolean operators correct? 比较和布尔值是否正确?
- Comparison and Contrast between Ancient Greek and Chinese Mythologies 古代希腊与中国神话的异同比较
- Comparison and sorting is performed based on binary sort orders. 比较和排序都按照二进制的顺序进行处理。
- Inducing, analysising, logical reasoning and contrast argument. 归纳、分析,运用逻辑推理和对比论证。
- Limits formatting changes to picture brightness and contrast. 将格式更改限制为仅可更改图片亮度和对比度。
- Compare and contrast chief methods of collecting job analysis data. 阐述收集工作分析信息的主要技术。
- The second and contrasting part of such a juxtaposition. 第二项,后项对偶结构中对比的第二部
- Environment on both color and contrast to maintain harmony. 大环境色系上既有对比又保持谐调。
- Comparison and evaluation will be done for the basic offer. 将对基本报价给予比较、评估。
- Design includes points such as visibility and contrast. 设计样式包含能见度和对比度等这些观点。