- He is going to major in comparative linguistics. 他将主修比较语言学。
- Comparative linguistics is a very interesting course in college. 比较语言学在大学里是一门十分有趣的课程。
- Comparative linguistics often makes a comparative study between two languages. 比较语言学常常是在两种语言中做比较研究。
- Politeness is a non-negligible factor in the pragmatic comparison in comparative Linguistics, which is particularly the case in Chinese and English cultures. 摘要礼貌是对比语言学中语用对比研究一个不可忽略的问题,在迥异的中英文化中更是如此。
- It is an important work about the nineteenth century’s Hesperian depictive linguistics and comparative linguistics combining with the research of Beijing Mandarin. 是十九世纪西方描写语言学和比较语言学同北京话研究相结合的作品。
- It provided to agree with to order for us to conbine the diachronic level with the synchronic plane analyse on language by the theories of semantics, pragmatics, comparative linguistics, cognitive psychology etc. 它为我们运用语义学、语用学、比较语言学、认知心理学等理论对语言进行历史层面与共时平面的分析提供了契合点,有助于揭示一些以前单从共时或历时平面解释不了的问题的原因并找出解决办法。
- comparative linguistics, religion, etc 比较语言学、 宗教等
- Historical Comparative Linguistics and Tonic Study 历史比较法与声调研究
- Research Center for Comparative Linguistics 比较语言学研究中心
- A Summary of Comparative Linguistics 对比语言学综述
- Introduction to Historical Comparative Linguistics 元历史比较语言学导言
- Comparative linguistics,religion,etc 比较语言学、宗教等
- historical and comparative linguistics 历史比较语言学
- historical comparative linguistics 历史比较语言学
- historical comparative linguistics of morphology 形态历史比较语言学
- He is engaged in studies in linguistics. 他从事于语言学的研究。
- A good dictionary is the handmaid of the linguist. 一部好字典封语言学家的帮助甚大。
- A specialist in English linguistics. 英语专家英国语言的研究专家
- The linguist go to study tribal language in the field. 语言学家们去实地研究部落语言了。
- He majored in comparative literature. 他的专业是比较文学。