- PKU international and comparative law review II. 北大国际法与比较法评论2。
- The period from 1946 to 1969 was the efflorescence of English comparative law. 1946年至1969年,英国的比较法进入了全盛时期。
- From 1918 to 1946, the English comparative law gained a great breakthrough. 1918年至1946年,英国的比较法获得了重大突破。
- Study on Kernel Conceptual Relation of Jurisprudence--An Analysis of Comparative Law. 法学核心范畴关系论--一种比较法的分析。
- The first part studies the comparative law on the scope of applyingregistration of advance notice. 文章共有五部分:第一部分是对预告登记适用范围的比较法考察。 在德国,预告登记适用于不动产物权变动请求权;
- Mirjan Damaska, Free proof and its detraction , The American Journal Of Comparative Law, vol,43. 陈一云.;证据法学[M]
- Rheinstein, "Teaching tools in Comparative law"), American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.1, 1952, p.95, p.98. 朱景文.;比较法导论
- Functional comparison, as one approach of comparative law, deprived from Germany in the late 19th century. 摘要作为比较法方法之一的功能比较方法产生于19世纪后期的德国。
- Damaska, Free proof and its detractors, The American journal of comparative law, Vol 43, No:347. 李红梅译.;北京:中国政法大学出版社;2003
- See, Francesco Parisi, Entropy in Property, The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.50, 2002, p 606. 而严格的物权法定主义则认为,即使是经过公示的新创制的物权,也不会得到法律的承认。
- See Peter de Cruz, Comparative law: in a changing world,2nd ed. Cavendish Publishing Limited, 1999, p.58-59. 关键词:法律,民法典,生活,我们,民法,法典化,自然,法学,罗马法
- R. Sacco, LegaI Formants :A DynamicApproach To Comparative Law, in Americai Journal of Comparative Law,(1991) vo1.39,p.26. 关键词:判例,法院,法律,判例法,民法,中国,判决,法系,法学,最高
- Lauren Z. Asher,NOTE: CONFRONTING DISEASE IN A GLOBAL ARENA, Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law,2001(Spring),P. 137. 在1992年美国医学会的报告(一项政府对正在兴起的传染病的研究)中;列举了50多种新出现的传染病.
- Geraint Howells and Rhoda James,Litigation in the Consumer Interest,ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law,Fall,2002. 在我国,无论是理论中还是司法实践中,都从未把代表人诉讼制度视为可以解决小额消费者争议的备选制度。
- Shioppa, "La Giuria all assembles Constituente France". 转引自Mirjan Damaska, Free proof and its detraction , The American Journal Of Comparative Law, vol,43.N.44. 宋英辉;许身健.;刑事证据中法官评判证据的自由裁量权及其制约[A]
- The basic premium assessment methods towns main remaining law, the cost of law, proceeds to reinstate law, comparative law and the market multiple of earnings law. 城镇地价评估的基本方法主要有剩余法、成本法、收益还原法、市场比较法和收益倍数法等。
- Allison Puri.An International DNA Database:Balancing Hope,Privacy,and Scientific Error,Boston College International and Comparative Law Review,Spring,2001. 唐淑美.;刑事DNA数据库之扩增与隐私权之探讨
- The basic premium assessment methods towns main remaining law, the cost of law, the proceeds reinstate law, comparative law and the market multiple of earnings law. 城镇地价评估的基本方法主要有剩余法、成本法,收益还原法、市场比较法和收益倍数法等。
- H.C.Gutteridge, "Comparative Law: An Introduction to the Comparative Method of Legal Study and Research", 2nd edn, Cambridge University Press, 1949, p.1. 参见[法]康斯坦丁内斯库.;论比较法学的流派与比较法
- The second part gives a thorough analysis of China"s ACIS and points out its faults from the perspectives of jurisprudence, the philosophy and comparative law. 第二部分是从法理学法哲学以及比较法学等角度对我国目前的行政强制执行制度进行了深入的分析,并指出其不足。