- One who is deeply concerned about the quality of community life. 深深关心公社生活质量的人
- Otherwise, there is no common understanding, and no community life. 否则,就没有共同的理解,没有社会的生活。
- Prayer is central to the overall direction of community life. 是团体核心所在,以接触那些寻找生活意义的人们。
- The church has become a social as well as a religious force in the community, but community life is not broken up into Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and Jewish groups. 在社会上,教会不仅是一种宗教力量,而且也是一种社会力量,但长老会、卫理公会、路德会、罗马天主教会和犹太教会等教派教徒在社会生活中并不各成体系。
- The decline of community life is negating the work of welfare services. 社区生活的下降否定了福利机构的工作。
- The marae-the meeting house and the land around it-is the focus of Maori community life. 马拉埃--聚会大厅及其周围土地--是毛利人村社生活的中心。
- The two communities live together in peace (with one another). 这两个社区和平相处。
- Especially in small towns, churches are centers for much social and community life. 教堂是大部分社交和团体生活的中心,在小市镇尤其如此。
- To consolidate community life, the group should strengthen its activities of evangelization ad gentes. 为强化团体生活,应加强向外福传活动。
- Each of them is a mode of associated or community life, quite as much as is a family, a town, or a state. 它们每一个都是一种联合的或共同生活的模式,正如一个家庭、一个城镇或一个国家一样。
- Once at home again, Nancy withdrew from community life choosing to spend her time alone. 回到家中后,南希不再参加社交活动,而是独自一人消磨时光。
- Organized Jewish community life in Newport dates to1658, when15 families arrived from overseas to establish a congregation in the growing seaport. 归结犹太在新港市的社区发展,要从1658年算起,15个家庭飘洋过海到这个发展中的港都,建立集会中心。
- The two communities live together in peace. 这两个社区和平相处。
- They included health, freedom, unemployment, family life, climate, political stability and security, gender equality and family and community life. 这些因素包括健康、自由、失业、家庭生活、气候、政治稳定性和安全性、男女平等、以及家庭和社会生活。
- Pray for the BAC Summer Camp: (1) speaker Jim Penner, (2) a time of recommitment to the Lord, (3) a time of community life, and (4). a great turnout. 儿童足球营:请记念招收儿童参加的进展、招募弟兄姊妹参与事奉的需要,以及整个筹备的过程。
- Furthermore, Mopa is promoting the model of Community life center, and Huang hopes he can start up 100 community life centers in East China in 5 years. 此外,妙心将继续推广社区服务中心模式,黄绮军希望能在5年内在华东地区开办100家社区生活中心。
- Organized Jewish community life in Newport dates to 1658, when 15 families arrived from overseas to establish a congregation in the growing seaport. 归结犹太在新港市的社区发展,要从1658年算起,15个家庭飘洋过海到这个发展中的港都,建立集会中心。
- From the day of religious naissance ,the Eastern and Western religions develop a kind of community life style on the different degree. 自宗教诞生之日起,东西方宗教都在不同程度上发展出一种群体式的修道生活制度。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。