- China's legal aid system has been widely applauded by the general public and also attracted attention of the international community. 中国法律援助制度的实施受广大人民群众的欢迎,也引起了国际社会的广泛关注。
- The Establishment and Development of China's Legal Aid System. 中国法律援助制度的建立和发展。
- community aid system 社区扶助制度
- Thereafter,the establishment and implementation of China's legal aid system was triggered on the whole. 由此,建立和实施中国法律援助制度的工作全面启动。
- Thereafter, the establishment and implementation of China's legal aid system was triggered on the whole. 由此,建立和实施中国法律援助制度的工作全面启动。
- The consultation paper mentions the absence of a legal aid system in the United States. 谘询文件提及美国并无法律援助制度。
- We introduce the method of design of air-raid target-stream generation aid system applying expert system. 介绍了用专家系统对空袭目标流辅助生成系统进行原型设计的方法。
- CARE is emerge(urging) the international aid system to target more money at the woold(root) causes of emergencies. 国际援外合作署正在敦促国际援助系统聚集更多资金以解决紧急事件的根源问题。
- The Chinese Government attaches great importance and support the establishment and implementation of the legal aid system. 中国政府重视和支持法律援助制度的建立和实施。
- The establishment and implementation of China's legal aid system has drawn the attention of experts and colleagues abroad. 中国法律援助制度的建立和实施,受到国外境外专家、同行的关注。
- There are many problems in the reformation of poor student aid system in the state-owned universities in the western regions in China. 西部地方高校现有贫困生资助体系因经费投入不足、助责任不清、助标准不统一、奖”“助”界限不清等问题难以满足贫困生资助的需要,向以助学贷款为主的新体系转型又面临银行难贷、生慎贷、险补偿难落实、励机制缺失等难题。
- In addition, legal aid centers at various levels will intensify publicity to let the legal aid system be widely known to the public. 此外,各级法律援助机构将不断加大法律援助制度的宣传力度,提高法律援助的社会知晓率。
- Nonprofit community AIDS foundation focusing on the treatment, care, education and prevention of HIV AIDS. 集中于HIV爱滋病的处理,护理,教育和预防的非盈利的社区爱滋病组织。
- Criminal legal aid system means countries reduce and remit fees to provide criminal legal service for poor clients and clients in special cases. 刑事法律援助是指在刑事诉讼中,国家对某些经济困难或特殊案件的当事人给予减免费用提供法律帮助的一项法律制度。
- So VBK was optimal white dyes in high white paper. Silca-aluminum microparticle retention aid system was superior to conventional CS-CPAM system. 硅铝微粒助留系统对纸料的助留助滤性能优于常规CS-CPAM助留助滤体系,而且CS-CPAM-硅铝微粒助留助滤体系又要胜于CS-硅铝微粒助留助滤体系。
- Conditional fees would cream off the more financial rewarding cases leaving the more deserving but difficult cases to be unrepresented or sending them to the legal aid system. 按条件收费将会榨取较高经济回报的案件,留下更值得进行诉讼但困难的案件无法获得法律代表,或被送往法律援助体制处理。
- natural gas-fired power plant 天然气发电厂
- Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。
- Because some hand gestures and body movements are acceptable in one culture yet deeply offensive in another culture, they are rarely an appropriate communications aid in international negotiations. 一些手势和肢体动作可被接受于一种文化但是对另一种文化来却是攻击行为,因此很少被应用于国际谈判中帮助交流。
- First, a four-tier (central, provincial, prefecture and county) legal aid system has been set up to match the hierarchy of the people's court. There is a considerable contingent of professionals engaged in legal aid. 第一,建立了中央、